The Minefield: A Modern Artifact Recycler (T3 Win)

Modern DuTogira

SCORE: 139 | 238 COMMENTS | 30576 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

uiuiho12's implemented suggestions —Oct. 4, 2014

2xMuddle the Mixture --> 2xRemand because the card draw -and ability to counter creature spells- is stronger than transmute.
4xSage of Epityr --> 4xSerum Visions because the ability to put cards on the bottom of your deck + card draw is stronger than the 1/1 creature and 4 card re-arrange.
2xCathedral Membrane --> 2xWall of Omens because card draw is still OP

Sideboard Swap:
2xIndomitable Archangel --> 2xEnsoul Artifact since most of my artifacts don't stay on the field anyway... So why not replace the protector with a far cheaper minion that is even stronger?

Big thanks to uiuiho12 for helping me with the deck and suggesting these changes.

Through rigorous testing, I've determined that this deck has an extremely favorable matchup against most forms of control (miracles, walkers, and delvers), and also performs well against token decks. Roughly 70/30 favored in this matchup.
Against combo decks, big surprise, it's all about who can combo first. Still, since I usually can combo by turn 4-6, I place this deck at 60/40 favored over most combo decks.
Aggro is an entire different can of worms, depending almost entirely on the cards I draw, and I'm often forced into using Pili-Pala to block regardless. This matchup, just to survive, requires that this deck sacrifice almost all consistency in getting the combo out, which places this deck on the back-foot from the get-go against Aggro. Against its most difficult aggro matchups (Infect and Enchantment Aggro) it has a win-rate of about 35/65 (the losses tend to be cases of "1-2 turns away from winning") depending on how quickly you get Ensoul Artifact and Engineered Explosives, and in infects case, on how many counters your opponent draws.

Despite the disfavorable Aggro matchup, I really love the deck and at this point I'm going to start cutting back on how readily I implement changes to the deck (both changes I think of and suggested changes). Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this deck into what it is today. I'd still be running Lotus Bloom without you guys.