Notorious B: Ready to Die [Remastered]

Pauper Gattison


Ready to Die [Remastered] —April 13, 2017

Massive overhaul. Basically chucked everything except for Soulcage Fiend, Mortis Dogs and Altar's Reap.

I replaced it all with a new mono- sacrifice-themed deck I was working on, but needed a top end for.

Once I realized my Necromancer's Magemark tricks were a nonbo with my late-game creatures, I removed all the enchantments and went extra creature-heavy, in support of a true "suicide black" theme. (I should have realized that much sooner, but whatevs. Don't judge me.)

Atony1400 says... #1

February 22, 2017 9:30 p.m.

eyes2sky says... #2

Servant of Nefarox? I have one if you want it.

February 22, 2017 11:32 p.m.

Gattison says... #3

Atony1400: Hey! Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking about Dark Ritual or Altar's Reap to replace Wring Flesh actually. However, since I am suddenly in a "budget" phase, I'm leaning away from the Ritual. =(

Grasp of Darkness is cool, but is in use in another deck. Plus over budget. =(

Shrivel on the other hand, I could see in the sideboard.

Thanks, though, what about a better 2-drop creature? Any ideas?

eyes2sky: good idea, but I still need a 2-drop to replace Stumbling Goof. Or should I just replace him with a playset of Shadow Alley Denizen? I'm gonna go with Child of Night for now.

February 24, 2017 2:24 p.m.

DragonHaiku says... #4

I would replace Unholy Strength with Edge of the Divinity and then replace some of your mono-black creatures with optional white black mana creatures such as Mourning Thrull for Child of Night. then you dont have to change your mana base but you get better value.

March 15, 2017 6:41 p.m.