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Just a Little Bit of Pyxis Dust

Casual* Casual Combo Control Theme/Gimmick UB (Dimir)



Creature (4)

Land (4)

Instant (4)

This is a fun deck meant to play around with the advantages of processing for its own sake.

This deck uses Pyxis of Pandemonium to repeatedly exile cards from your and your opponents libraries. However, it breaks the symmetry of Pyxis by using Oracle of Dust and Ulamog's Nullifier to remove opponent's cards exiled with Pyxis. When Pyxis returns cards to the battlefield, you'll flood the battlefield with creatures.

The control aspects are primarily a stalling tactic. However, if they're successful enough this deck could mill, using Elixir of Immortality to avoid being milled.

Wizened Snitches is meant to help predict the creatures being exiled. Not that multiple Pyxis (and Pyxis that re-enter the battlefield) exile their cards to separate piles. With Snitches, multiple Pyxis can be used to "sort" the top card of your opponents library by type, guaranteeing that you won't return an equal number of creatures when finally activated.

Once pyxides (isn't that cool!) are on the field, Invisible Stalker and Hidden Strings will be useful in using them multiple times a turn. Note that the Infiltrator can search for a Strings, if necessary.

Right now I'm holding off on actually constructing the deck, because I want to see if there are any processor-like creatures in OGW. I'm also considering going a more creature-heavy route, focusing on using Pyxis to cheat out large, game ending creatures.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Folders Wastebasket
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