War Wizards

Standard magicharm


May 25, 2019

I believe this is as hard as you can push wizard aggro right now; and as far as I can see its pretty good! The biggest change was adding God-Eternal Kefnet , it serves the purpose of being a large creature that is both hard to remove and can also double the instant and sorcery spells the deck has.

As for matchups its best ones have been against mono-red and mono-blue. They both struggle to get over our creatures, since most are 3 toughness and above, as well as having protection with stormtamer and sometimes Samut's Sprint . While the deck can easily keep their creatures of the board with burn and keep card advantage with draw and scry.

The toughest ones are against control. If you are not able to keep your creatures safe with stormtamer or be able to maintain a Burning Prophet for scry and damage the game can go south really fast. In BO3, you can sideboard in spell pierces and negate for more protection and theoretically Mizzium Tank should help too, I haven't tested it, but it should help keep the damage going if they are able to destroy all your creatures.

pauatro says... #1

I've been working on a similar idea and so far it's going really well on arena. My version of the deck is less aggressive, I have no pump spells and include 3x augur of bolas instead of viashino pyromancer. Dreadhorde arcanist is still great with 4x opt, 4x warlord's fury, 4x Shock and 1x reckless rage to bring back. The first strike from warlord's fury actually feels very relevant in creature matchups, and it becomes a better opt with burning prophet in play. I would say that spectacle cards are probably not the ideal options as you'd rather cast spells pre-combat to pump burning prophet and Adeliz. Have you been testing the deck? I'd love to know if it works well!

April 29, 2019 12:19 a.m.

pauatro says... #2

This is the decklist if you want to check it out :) Izzet Wizards (War of the Spark)

April 29, 2019 1:19 a.m.

Maybe sideboard Wizard's Retort for control match-ups.

April 29, 2019 3:14 a.m.

magicharm says... #4


I have only been able to test on the lower ladder for now, but for the matches I've had the deck has been performing pretty well. It can often do around (depending if you throw burn at face) 13 damage in one combat face when only having both Arcanist and Adeliz out. The main combat trick to get through creatures in this deck is Maximize Altitude , and I like it more because it doesn't only allow you to avoid blockers, you can double cast it on Arcanist to get back burn like Wizard's Lightning . I think that I could probably replace Skewer the Critics with Lightning Strike , but there is always the chance you have other burn in your hand in which case Skewer would be better.

April 29, 2019 4:24 p.m.

magicharm says... #5


I've also been thinking of maybe dropping 2 Viashinos to add 1 more Arcanist for the combo and 1 more Siren Stormtamer for more flyers and creature protection.

April 29, 2019 4:28 p.m.

magicharm says... #6


Oh yeah I almost forgot about counter magic! But keeping up 2 blue could be difficult. Do you think that Disdainful Stroke would be better? Or is the manabase good enough for Retort?

April 29, 2019 4:35 p.m.

magicharm I'd say it is a 50/50. I think most of the time the mana base should be good enough for UU but it is always risky. While Disdainful Stroke is safer in that regard, it lacks the utility. Although I think for a control match-up it is good enough. So it comes up what you want more utility or safety?

May 3, 2019 2:25 a.m.