Illusionary Mask

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Illusionary Mask


: You may choose a creature card in your hand whose mana cost could be paid by some amount of, or all of, the mana you spent on . If you do, you may cast that card face down as a 2/2 creature spell without paying its mana cost. If the creature that spell becomes as it resolves has not been turned face up and would assign or deal damage, be dealt damage, or become tapped, instead it's turned face up and assigns or deals damage, is dealt damage, or becomes tapped. Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.

JoeD64 on Illusionary Mask cost… CMC or …

9 months ago

Is the X on Illusionary Mask the CMC of the creature or the actual cost with the color pips?

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Jankest/Worst Artifacts

2 years ago

I always like the ever confusing Illusionary Mask and Ice Cauldron for giving your opponent (and yourself) a headache.

If you want it to be chaotic rather than just confusing there's Timesifter, Omen Machine, and Teferi's Puzzle Box, all of which are fun!

Puzzle_Master12 on Illusionary Horror (Shadow Masknought)

3 years ago

I want to say, I really like this deck, and I used it to play test another one of my decks! But anyway, great deck, and by the way, could you explain to me how Illusionary Mask works?

1empyrean on Is there any printed way …

3 years ago

Greater Good and Nim Deathmantle works pretty well.

Find a way to get it into your hand, and use Scroll of Fate or Illusionary Mask , then use equipments and/or auras.

Yedora, Grave Gardener and any way to turn lands into creatures, then use Tawnos's Coffin .

Lord_0f_chaos on Might Morphing Sultai Rangers

4 years ago

Hey DrValium, first let me say thanks for giving me the suggestions. I have actually have been debating whether to a Illusionary Mask . It is very janky and to me, it seems better to sneak in cards like Seedborn Muse or Thieving Amalgam . I can see that seems to be good for what I need, it is Colourless so works with a lot of the support I have in place I think I need to read all of the oracle rules to have a better understanding of it. As for Muraganda Petroglyphs I do believe Forsaken Monument is better for the card slot. Both give my morphed creatures +2/+2 (Muraganda with creatures with out abbilties and forsaken for colourless). However for an extra mana and no colour requirment forsaken does a little bit more. Forsaken gives Life gain whenever I cast a morph spell which I can do quite often in theory and for the 7 lands and soul ring it gives me an extra for those mana sources.

DrValium on Might Morphing Sultai Rangers

4 years ago

Have you considered this janky card Illusionary Mask? I highly recommend you read the oracle but the card is really helpful if you need something to turn face up in a hurry.

Ender666666 on You Just Activated My Trap Card!

4 years ago

Sorry for the late response. With Illusionary Mask, what you get to do is cheat in morph effects without paying for them. It's just decent synergy, and utilizes an oldschool-cool card

jaredtritsch on My Stormvala Deck

5 years ago

Weird as it is, you could use Illusionary Mask to get around Phyrexian Dreadnought 's ETB effect and keep the 12/12 for free.

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