Merciless rage upgrades
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 10, 2020, 12:56 p.m. by randym1988
Guys I just got this new Rakdos deck and would love some input to help tweak this deck. I wanna keep it within a budget as well. Let me know everyone's ideas. deck:Merciless rage
randym1988 says... #3
yeah im on the fence between casual and more aggressive. the people i play with have really good decks and im thinking i wanna have this deck be able to try and answer what they wanna do.
February 10, 2020 1:42 p.m.
griffstick says... #4
When I had my Kaervek the Merciless deck. I found that giving him lifelink was very good. Also I found that Possibility Storm with Kaervek the Merciless is OP. GETTING TWO TRIGGERS OFF Kaervek the Merciless. from that Enchantment was sick.
February 10, 2020 2:42 p.m.
Personally I went the more competitive rout with my deck. That aside the deck can easily be upgraded on a budget. First off, you need to find out how you want to win with the deck it can be anything, but I think Anje lends herself more to combo or a discard synergy. Second, go and buy all of the available madness cards you can find and slot them into the deck. There are about 40 of them in our colors and most of them are uncastable but a few are decent utility removal or protection for anje, but the real reason we want them is to abuse anje's ability to get free cantrip draws (I went with 33 myself). Paired with spells like Shadow of the Grave and Restless Dreams you can draw through large parts of your deck to find your favored wincon with relative ease and all for about $5 worth of cards.
February 12, 2020 9:22 a.m.
randym1988 says... #6
Ojallday so that being said and doing this deck into more of a combo style what would be your game winning combo then? What would I wanna be cycling through my deck to get then
February 12, 2020 12:40 p.m.
randym1988 th most competitive will obviously be the Worldgorger Dragon combo which was mentioned earlier, with a back up combo of something like Dualcaster Mage and Dual Flame. But, other options that would be more fun in a budget build. One option is to use the amonket and hour of devastation creatures that get pumped until end of turn when you cycle or discard, and creatures like Glint-Horn Buccaneer. However,I think a much more fun option would be to run your favorite eldrazi fatties, plus any big scary rakdos creatures you feel would be cool such as Sire Of Insanity and use anje's ability to put them in the graveyard so you can use reanimate spells to cheat them out.
hejtmane says... #2
Ok what route do you want to go is the question there are several most people are going the infinite combo Worldgorger Dragon this not really a new combo just a new shell to put the combo in along with doomsday etc but you can look that one up if you want to jump to that power level.
My deck is more casual friendly Discard with Anje
My play group is more in the tuned casual so I went this route myself and note I moved Master of Cruelties from another deck i had this is a win condition in my deck hit them unblocked then discard madness card for a bolt to face or leverage Syr Konrad, the Grim if he is on the board and discard damage. Not my only but one of them and graveyard fun
This was a budget upgrade with cards I owned already and I bought a few. Maybe this will give you some ideas.
I know some people are also leveraging the red and black cavaliers Cavalier of Flame and Cavalier of Night
Hope that helps
February 10, 2020 1:26 p.m.