The Tar Pit

Modern Goremaster


chugo says... #1

The land enchantments combined with Gray Merchant of Asphodel is really interesting. I'm going to try to brew something with that right now actually.


December 13, 2014 8:06 a.m.

Goremaster says... #2

Thanks! I bet constellation could get nasty as well. Doomwake Giant and Grim Guardian seem like they could combo really well with such low cost enchantments.

December 13, 2014 8:39 a.m.

chugo says... #3

Here's my take on it: The modern meta needs more swamps

December 13, 2014 11:19 a.m.

drakendark says... #4

if your looking for any 1 drop creatures I'd recommend Bile Urchin, it goes along with your theme nicely

since it taps when an opponent sac's a creature... you can still get use out of your Desecration Demon with Essence Harvest or Rite of Consumption

Banewasp Affliction works well with your theme too, especially with Geth's Verdict

December 14, 2014 9:54 a.m.

Goremaster says... #5

Essence Harvest would pair great with Desecration Demon! My 1 drop space is kinda taken up by Evil Presence, to limit what they can cast from the get-go. Banewasp Affliction seems nice, but I don't know where I'd find room for it. Thanks for the suggestions!

December 14, 2014 10:21 a.m.

drakendark says... #6

I'm all about low cmc ... so in the grand scheme of things... how useful is Skeletal Vampire ... by the time it hits the board does it sweep up for the kill or does it just kind of sit there? perhaps swap the vampire with banewasp?

Read the Bones I think is a better option then Sign in Blood, unless your looking for a turn 2 sign in blood.

December 14, 2014 11:15 a.m.

Goremaster says... #7

I basically had Skeletal Vampire for devotion and a flying chump blocker engine. After playtesting, I'm happy with the creature base. If I take him out, I'd want to replace him with another creature.

And I'll definitely upgrade for Read the Bones. Thanks!

December 14, 2014 11:50 a.m.

verten says... #8

Reassembling skeleton and skeletal vampire don't seem to fit too well IMO. Geralf's Messenger and Phyrexian Obliterator are allstars in this kind of deck if you can get a hold of some.

December 25, 2014 7:32 p.m.

Goremaster says... #9

I gave my deck a $25 budget, and considering one Obliterator is more than the whole deck, he's too far out for me. Geralf's Messenger is nice, though, I'll try to find room for him if I can. I've always had good luck with Reassembling Skeleton, however.

December 25, 2014 7:47 p.m.

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