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Suit Up - Basic (C/U)

Modern Aura Hexproof WU (Azorius)



Creature (4)

"Basic" decks are decks that may resemble competitive modern decks superficially, but have stringent deck-building rules. My rules are:

  • No rares
  • Full playsets only, excluding basic land. This means your sideboard will only be 4 cards: 3 4-ofs and 1 3-of.
  • main deck cannot have more uncommons than commons
  • modern legal

For example, a two-color deck may have 10 different playsets or 'cards' that are spells, one playset of a common dual land, and then 8 of each basic matching its two colors.

This is designed to limit the number of possible cards you could draw, the number of possible interactions you have to account for or anticipate. Allowing you to 'do the math' a bit easier and focus heavily on gameplay. Knowing the ten cards in your deck and the ten cards in your opponent's deck makes determining outs and odds easier for casuals.

Suit Up

Maindeck: 20 common, 20 uncommon and 20 basic land.

Side: 12 uncommon, 3 uncommon


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