Redshirt Army

Commander / EDH bomley20


Ajaxian says... #1

Instead of Ajani's Pridemate, I suggest you include Karlov of the Ghost Council. They have the same CMC, and Karlov has the whole exile thing going for him. So much value!

I also suggest completing the trio and including Butcher of Malakir instead of Zombie Infestation. Zombie Infestation is indeed a sac outlet, but the cost of discarding two cards just decreases the amount of value you're going to get out of it. With Butcher of Malakir, you get both a beefy flying guy and another Dictate of Erebos/Grave Pact. If you have all of those in play, just sac one token and then the everyone at the table has to sac 3 creatures! I run all three in my Orzhov deck, and I have to say they have not disappointed me so far!

Other than those two things, fantastic job with this deck!

May 3, 2016 3:45 p.m.

bomley20 says... #2

Ajaxian I completely forgot about Karlov of the Ghost Council. He is definitely going to replace Ajani's Pridemate. I'm a bit hesitant to get rid of Zombie Infestation. It has helped me several times when I run out of mana and have a 40 card hand from Dark Prophecy and Vampiric Rites. I'll test it with Butcher of Malakir and see how it goes.

May 3, 2016 4:01 p.m.

Ajaxian says... #3

You could also sub out Drana's Emissary for Cliffhaven Vampire. You have so much lifegain that you would be pinging everyone for a lot every turn. Also you don't necessarily need to pull out Zombie Infestation for it, it was just a card that I thought might be weak. Looking again, I can definitely see where it would be helpful.

May 3, 2016 4:07 p.m.

bomley20 says... #4

Thanks for the suggestions. I think I will like Cliffhaven Vampire a lot more than Drana's Emissary. I think I need to got back and look at the newer sets for cards again!

May 3, 2016 4:28 p.m.

freezerboy says... #5

I'd think that Sadistic Hypnotist would be a better option than Nezumi Bone-Reader. Yes it has a higher CC, but you don't have to spend any mana and you get 2 cards instead of 1. They can both only be used during your turn anyway. I'd understand if Nezumi Bone-Reader could be used at instant speed.

May 11, 2016 2:21 p.m.

bomley20 says... #6

freezerboy, thanks for pointing out Sadistic Hypnotist! I forgot that I never added it back after reworking the deck a while ago.

May 11, 2016 3:59 p.m.

freezerboy says... #7

No problem. Some people are pretty determined to keep their CC cost low, so didn't know if that was the case here. You've managed to keep yours pretty low considering the amount of damage you're dishing out.

May 11, 2016 6:27 p.m.

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