Mind the Horde :D

Commander / EDH -MisterJ-


ShinrahAlpha says... #1

.... You know what would suck?... Plague Sliver :3

December 7, 2013 4:52 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #2

While i agree.... Between the double life link and ability to blow up the poor thing.... I am not concerned about one little sliver

December 7, 2013 6:27 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #3

Or i should say so many ways to blow the poor thing up, hehe.

December 7, 2013 6:48 a.m.

SSJRanulf says... #4

Some lands you could consider looking into are command tower (1 mana of any color on your commander) and the Theros Scry Lands (like guildgates, but let you scry 1 when you play them).

Neat Deck!

December 8, 2013 3:44 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #5

Thanks SSJRanulf, I thought about adding in the scry lands since they are just as good as the guildgates and a little extra, but the only ones I popped from the boosters I promptly traded off. Command Tower I have sitting out but I've not done the math to see which land I need to take out. Unfortunately when toying with rainbow it seems important to keep my balance very leveled.

December 8, 2013 6:51 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #6

You know what really sucks? People pointing bad slivers in EDH decks, where slivers are only in sliver decks and in most of times there is no sideboard.
Also, ignoring that Overlord may take control of them and sacrifice them with other slivers.

February 1, 2014 7:28 p.m.

regnet says... #7

Looks fun!

Harsh Mercy would be a fantastic, opponent only, boardwipe in this deck. Have you considered it?

Also Call to the Kindred and/or Descendants' Path might be good.

July 19, 2014 8:23 p.m.

-MisterJ- says... #8

I've thought about Descendants' Path but I try to limit the amount of Enchantments and Artifacts in play on my side of the field in case I needed to use Harmonic Sliver and can't return it to my hand and I will NEVER sac it off because it is just so good.

July 23, 2014 2:03 a.m.

amarmehta says... #9

Okay Hivestone is out because you have nothing but Sliver creatures in your deck. Diffusion Sliver is good early game to keep your Slivers alive for you to pull off your combos, but other than that it's a wash. Primal Surge is a bomb and I recommend it in your deck. Prismatic Omen can go because your aren't reliant on needing land types. I don't see any problems with it. Good Job! +1

October 5, 2014 3:34 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #10


  • Hivestone for when I take another players creature with the Sliver Thief technique. Given that it turns everyone else's commanders into possible instant kills against them

  • Diffusion Sliver will make its way in when I get a foil just on the basis that people REALLY like to used targeted removal against bomb slivers like the Lords

  • Primal Surge will be worked in as soon as I get one that I can use. It is an absolute game changer that hits almost every card in the deck. So that is a must.

  • Prismatic Omen is just a thought as its mana fix early game. Sometimes it can be a pain trying to get the last color I need, often times green doesn't want to show up. So I probably wont put it in but I'm not against it.

THANKS for the +1!

October 5, 2014 4:02 a.m.

amarmehta says... #11

It doesn't work like that. Prismatic Omen only makes land into all basic land types. they will still tap for whatever mana the original land type is. you already have the best card for that type of mana fixing in your deck:Chromatic Lantern . this is why it can go out of your deck. you have no cards that are dependent on a specific land TYPE.

October 5, 2014 4:10 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #12

Actually it does...

Each land you control will have the land types Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest. They'll also have the mana ability of each basic land type (for example, Forests can tap to produce G). They'll still have their other subtypes and abilities. - That came directly from the gatherer

They'll also have the mana ability of each basic land type

Means they can tap for any mana...

October 5, 2014 4:14 a.m.

amarmehta says... #13

you are correct. just checked it myself. need to get that card...

October 5, 2014 4:23 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #14

Its a solid card for just about any green deck, but yeah. In a 5 color its almost OP.

Glad I could open your eyes to the epicness that is the Omen

October 5, 2014 4:25 a.m.

amarmehta says... #15

you have a choice here. Either Chromatic Lantern or Prismatic Omen .you said that you had trouble getting green mana, right? then go with Chromatic Lantern

October 5, 2014 4:26 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #16

Well I've been debating dropping Maelstrom Nexus since honestly it just seems like over kill a large chunk of the time. I'd rather have consistency and speed over awesome 5 color enchantments

October 5, 2014 4:29 a.m.

amarmehta says... #17

That is also a choice.

October 5, 2014 3 p.m.

Zahx says... #18

I slapped a Gaea's Cradle in my sliver deck and it's proven handy quite a bit. Especially if you get the queen out and just want to dump tokens out.

Another couple cards that you might consider that I ended up finding in my old stash are Defense of the Heart and Pattern of Rebirth wich are awesome for extra tutoring.

Your deck has given me some great ideas as well. Like maybe using Donate with Hivestone to just permanently turn any creature your opponent casts into slivers for you to take ;)

October 14, 2014 4:44 p.m.

-MisterJ- says... #19

Yeah a lot of the cards you suggested are fantastic cards, yes. But just slightly out of budget. Especially the Cradle. Defense of the heart is viable and probably a really solid add but I only have one and its in another deck.

Glad to see that another player has some fun with Hivestone as I think its just an amazing card and makes the game slightly unfair for my opponents.

October 15, 2014 4:06 a.m.

Zahx says... #20

Ahh yes, price. I was lucky to have started with Tempest and most of these cards I have in my collection. The first deck I really poured any real thought into was a sliver deck. I based it around green for the mana generation and in many games I was able to get the queen out no later the turn 3. In a few cases turn two. I lost many friends with that deck. A couple years back when I started to dabble in playing again I pulled out my deck and played against someone with all the newer slivers and I still stomped on him. It was fun. It's funny to see people's reaction when you either tell them or they see one show up on the battlefield. Usually a few explicitives are involved.

I need to add cards to my profile one of these days. I will have a bunch in my trade folder.

October 15, 2014 5:56 p.m.

-MisterJ- says... #21

This version is nearly completed. All I'm looking for now is foils, mainly in the shock lands. Some of the original slivers that come in "foil" I need as well, but I'm in no rush to complete that set since some of them are not very fancy in foil. You know how it was back in the day, only the borders are foiled and its just not as impressive to the uninitiated.

October 16, 2014 9:30 p.m.

The-Xellos says... #22

have you thought about playing Hive Mind? Reason I am asking is that I played this deck and it was fun and killer (had no mana problems at all). I won game 1 and on game 2 i was focused so hard that i was dead turn 6 (counters, burn, and remove). At least i was able to drop one for them from 40 to 20 in 2 attacks. Anyways with not that many spells in the deck do you think this will help or hurt. It could make people think twice to cast spells.

April 6, 2015 9:41 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #23

I'm not a fan of the idea, and here is why. The deck has a single purpose that has many facets. Get creatures into play. You can't always play this deck as an aggro face beater. Sometimes you play slow control by stealing creatures and playing politics. Sometimes you have to build the "Indestructible Wall" as I call it, the wall of slivers that don't attack, but sit there menacing and ready to kill any single opponent at a moments notice. And as a last resort, you may have to make infinite slivers.

Either way, Hivemind doesn't actually help that mentality of "getting dudes into play" and could possibly hurt more than help. Targeted removal is a huge issue for this deck to face. Giving EVERYONE a targeted removal spell to burn away my slivers, that hurts. And lastly, I can usually work my way around a board wipe, given enough time and prep for it. But trying to maneuver around 3-4 board wipes all on the stack could be more difficult.

April 9, 2015 2:21 a.m.

hfvalenz says... #24

Hey when I'm through using Harmonic Sliver on my opponents' encahntments and artifacts I just target my Darksteel Ingot to avoid destroying my own stuff.

November 3, 2015 6:57 p.m.

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