Continuous Tilling

Commander / EDH* BMX482


Protean Hulk is a thing again —May 7, 2017

Ok, so my group has decided that it's fine to play a bit nastier (mostly one guy that cared the most stopped caring) therefore to keep up pace, it's time to make things a bit meaner.

Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is back and is replacing Liege of the Tangle. The main reason is because when I get a free fetch of a creature into play which I actually often do, it's never Liege because if anything I want it late game with most of my land out, which games never last long enough to make Liege worth while. Second, late game Liege is easily stoppable, making its requirement to hit less effective.

Protean Hulk is of course, now that he is unbanned, a staple in pretty much every green deck, and this deck is no exception. It has found a place in the deck, and the loser is unfortunately Khalni Hydra. Personally, I love Khalni Hydra, but when it comes to it, the Hulk is just something you want to search out quickly and swing away with every turn in the hopes of it dying and basically getting all of your creatures out. The hydra is great under the circumstance I can get it out relatively quickly but in the end it's just a fat trampler for sometimes a lower cost if I end up drawing it earlier. I never want to search for it compared to other threats.

Finally, there is one more star for the deck. Tireless Tracker is now a great addition to the deck. The early drop makes this deck flow nicer with the draws and gives great options when I've just got mana floating around. It is replacing Whirlwind. I've made the choice because Whirlwind has always been a dead card in hand. It has served purpose in maybe one game to date. Gravity Well does a fine job on its own, and typically people don't see it as a huge threat until they've wasted removal on more threatening things.

So those are the recent updates. Still looking for other possible things to add but so far the deck is flowing very well with what I have. I try to play casually but when I'm tasked with going hard in the paint, the deck plays very well. The land control is phenominal when I want it to be and take it seriously. If there's any more suggestion, let me know and I will keep it in my thoughts and playtest some options.

axel4770 says... #1

WOW! awesome post :-

March 9, 2017 4:07 a.m.

DJSeras says... #2

Cloudstone Curio is a fun consideration. with some great ETB shenanigans possible.

Stone-Seeder Hierophant for some great re-tapping, especially with Gaea's Cradle

Tireless Tracker if you want somewhere to dump mana to draw cards

And a personal favorite of mine from a great cycle of cards: Words of Wilding is a place to dump some mana, avoid over drawing and get some bodies as well very fun card.

March 14, 2017 1:32 p.m.

DJSeras says... #3

Also surprised you aren't running Scapeshift

March 15, 2017 1:19 p.m.