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Mono Blue Wizard Deck

Unknown Mono-Blue


The most "modern" mono Blue Wizard theme deck I've managed to collect and assemble by my understanding.

I love playing blue, but could never wrap my mind around all the instant stack dynamics of countering.

Fortunately, for blue plebians like myself; with this deck we've got the two best functions, IMHO, blue has to offer in abundance.

Function 1: Turn stealing!

Lighthouse Chronologist and Temporal Mastery are the spine of this deck.

Function 2: Mill!

No need to counter if they never got it.

For this the bread and butter of this deck is Jace's Archivist, though unneeded in my play experience, it's an excellent ally for keeping your opponents hand off balance while replenishing cards from your hand by their hand. The second is Increasing Confusion for obvious reasons.

Control is a full playset of Redirect and Polymophists Jest maintaining control of the play field for the game closers.

Closers: What would any good wizard be without their mythic legendary tomb?! For that we've got the Grimoire of the Dead. Which if we've been try harding with that field control, should have lots of fun goodies in all the graveyards for our amusement. If grave looting is somehow too uncouth for you, we've still got a full playset of Beguiler of Wills and Captains of the mist to out right loot your enemies play field.

Extra gravy for deck is a full playset of Jace Beleran maximizing mutual card draw and maximum millage opportunity.


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84% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 0 Rares

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.30
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