
Finally remade this decklist as well :>

A Gruul convoke deck, with many kicker cards as well. So I guess its "kickvoke"? The deck swarms the board very easily, focusing on the powerful Eldrazi Spawn creature tokens. These tokens are great on their own, but very strong with convoke. You can tap these tokens to help convoke out a creature and then sacrifice them, since they don't need to be tapped in order to sac them, for more mana to cast the same creature, making each of these tokens effectively 2 mana when paying for a convoke creature! This allows for some very explosive early game turns, and ramping out powerful spells. The deck relies on Siege Wurm as well as Kavu Primarch as the 2 main beaters of the deck. The deck can also win with swarming the board with Witty Roastmaster and Impact Tremors out.

Some new cards really help to flesh out the decklist such as the aforementioned Witty Roastmaster which serves as a better Impact Tremors because, while costing one more mana, it can be tapped for convoke costs. Brood Birthing is a great new addition to the deck helping to fill out early token generation. Sprout Swarm and Scatter the Seeds are the higher end means of token generation in the deck, notably creating green tokens which can pay for the green pips in a few of our cards costs. First Day of Class provides some power on board, making our tokens really add up on later turns, with also giving us access to additional lesson cards from our sideboard, and more cards are never bad to have. Glimpse the Impossible is an amazing card making the deck much more efficient by providing card selection and potential token generation.

Mainboard removal is pretty standard, but limited, for a red deck and the sideboard is open to more removal of choice.


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91% Casual


Date added 8 months
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.18
Tokens Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Pest 1/1 BG, Saproling 1/1 G
Folders Pauper
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