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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Vintage Legal


Legendary Creature — Time Lord Rogue

Whenever another nonartifact creature dies, return it to the battlefield under your control face down and tapped. It's a 2/2 Cyberman artifact creature. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens cannot return to the battlefield as they cease to exist when they leave it.)

At the beginning of your end step, each opponent faces a villainous choice —

  • Each artifact creature you control deals 1 damage to that opponent.
  • You draw a card and chaos ensues.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Gadget Technician
Urborg Drake
Davros, Dalek Creator
Horde Ambusher
Expose the Culprit
The Master, Formed Anew

Neotrup on Missy's ruling on double-faced creatures

11 months ago

Double-face cards can be put onto the battlefield face down, so Missy's ability does work to reanimate them as cybermen. The ruling should probably read:

2023-10-13: Double-faced permanents that are already on the battlefield can't be turned face down. However, a double-faced card can be put onto the battlefield face down from another zone this way.

Unfortunately the Doctor Who cards have a number of erroneous or misleading rulings.

Rhadamanthus on Nardole Resourceful Cyborg Vs Missy

1 year ago

There's a problem with this example because Missy's ability only triggers for nonartifact creatures but Nardole, Resourceful Cyborg is an artifact creature. Let's replace Nardole with something like Geralf's Messenger instead. In that situation, Missy's trigger would resolve first and the Undying trigger would do nothing.

When multiple triggered abilities controlled by different players are trying to go onto the stack at the same time, the active player (the player whose turn it is) puts theirs onto the stack first, and then the non-active player puts theirs onto the stack on top of those. If there are more than two players in the game then you start with the active player and go around the table in turn order. This means the active player's triggers will always resolve last. If the creature with Undying is attacking, that means its controller must be the active player.

Argy on Nardole Resourceful Cyborg Vs Missy

1 year ago

If Missy blocks and kills Nardole, Resourceful Cyborg what happens?

There are two different triggers that occur when he dies.

Gidgetimer on The new Dr Who Missy …

1 year ago

They changed how commanders getting put into the command zone worked a number of years ago, so legendofa's answer would have been correct before the rule change, but no longer is.

Currently a commander being put into the command zone when it goes into exile or the graveyard is a state based action. The commander goes to the new zone, all triggers related to it going to the new zone will have a chance to trigger, and then the commander's owner has a chance to put it into the command zone. The transfer to the command zone happens after any triggered abilities trigger, but before they are put on the stack, and therefore before they resolve and have a chance to affect the commander.

Missy will trigger. But when it tries to return the commander to the battlefield (assuming the commander's owner put it into the command zone) it will not be in the expected zone and can not be affected by the ability.

Elusith on The new Dr Who Missy …

1 year ago

Missy has an effect that states: “Whenever another nonartifact creature dies, return it to the battlefield under vour control face down and tapped. It's a 2/2 Cyberman artifact creature.”

So when an opponent commander dies, do I get a chance to steal it as a 2/2 cyberman before it returns to the command zone?