Assault / Battery

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Assault / Battery



Assault deals 2 damage to any target (creature, player or planeswalker).


Create a 3/3 green Elephant creature token.

Erza420 on MDFC Sorcery in Strixhaven

3 years ago

Ramble: using a double faced card as your commander isn't "opening another 20 slots". its 1 card. 1 extra slot at best. same with companion. if you're against double faced cards in the 99 as well (which i'm assuming is what you meant by "20 extra slots") because of their "consistency" (that's almost definitely the wrong word here, pretty sure you meant "versatility") then logically you'd have to hate "any" card that gives options, including things like Return to Nature as an example. might as well be 3 spells in one, whereas Assault / Battery is only 2 in one.

oh and regardless of where commander came from, i can certainly say that nobody can say what it is meant to be. to quote PleasantKenobi, "magic is many different things to many different people". even the creators of commander don't get to dictate what the format means to other players. to you it might mean "getting away from the 60 card grind", but to others it could mean "new way to compete".

Rhadamanthus on Does Isochron Scepter trigger Aria …

3 years ago

Under the current rules (it wasn't always this way), Collision / Colossus has a converted mana cost of 4 and can't be imprinted on Isochron Scepter. See below for details.

To your question: a copy of a split card will also be split, and as you cast the copy you choose which side to case. So if you had Wax / Wane imprinted on the Scepter, you would get to choose each time. If you make a copy of the spell on the stack after it's been cast, it will only be the half that was chosen.

708.4 In every zone except the stack, the characteristics of a split card are those of its two halves combined. This is a change from previous rules.

708.4b The mana cost of a split card is the combined mana costs of its two halves. A split card’s colors and converted mana cost are determined from its combined mana cost. An effect that refers specifically to the symbols in a split card’s mana cost sees the separate symbols rather than the whole mana cost.

Example: Assault / Battery’s mana cost is . It’s a red and green card with a converted mana cost of 5. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a converted mana cost of 1.

NEXTGener4tion on

5 years ago

Hi there, the deck looks good so far, bust just a quick remider: Split cards like Commit / Memory have a CMC equal to the combination of both halves and are therefore a nice chunk of damage with Yuriko while still being able to be cast early on.


The mana cost of a split card is the combined mana costs of its two halves. A split card’s colors and converted mana cost are determined from its combined mana cost. Example: Assault / Battery ’s mana cost is . It’s a red and green card with a converted mana cost of 5. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a converted mana cost of 1.

Caerwyn on Does Kicker count as part …

5 years ago

Though this question has been answered, I wanted to make one correction to Gidgetimer's follow-up response on the off-chance anyone is reading this thread in the future. To clarify, it is not a substantive change to the answer to the question itself, but rather the dicta regarding cards with variable CMCs.

There are actually two times a converted mana cost on a card can change. The first is spells with in the cost, such as those Gidgetimer mentioned. The second is split cards. These could be cards with Aftermath , cards with fuse , or generic split cards .

While in any zone other than the stack (Library, hand, graveyard, exile, and ante--there are no split cards that can be on the battlefield or in the command zone), the CMC is equal to the total casting cost of the card. Using our three above-linked options: Appeal / Authority would have a CMC of 3 when in non-stack zones; Alive / Well would have a CMC of 5; and Assault / Battery would have a CMC of 5.

When on the stack, the CMC is equal to the total cost of the sides being cast. For Armed / Dangerous , this will be either 1 or 2, depending on which portion is being cast. For Assault / Battery , his will be either 1 or 4, depending on the side being cast.

It gets a bit funky with Fuse, as there are multiple options. Alive / Well will have a CMC of four if only Alive is cast, a CMC of 1 if only Well is cast, and a CMC of 5 if both halves are fused together.

Anyway, sorry to post on a closed thread--I just wanted to make sure all the information was available.

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