Plea for Power

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Plea for Power


Will of the council — Starting with you, each player votes for time or knowledge. If time gets more votes, take an extra turn after this one. If knowledge gets more votes or the vote is tied, draw three cards.

IQuarent on The Friendmaker | Talrand, Sky Summoner [PRIMER]

2 weeks ago

From looking at this list, I'd say what it needs is less card selection and more actual advantage. Lorien Revealed, Plea for Power, and Distant Melody (naming drakes) could all find a spot in here. Also really surprised to see Snap is not in the deck. It's a free drake.

Cards that reduce the cost of Instants and Sorceries would also suit this deck. Unfortunately the non-creature ones aren't very good. If you wanted to drop the Polymorph strategy, (which personally I would because it's going to make games very samey, not that I have anything against other people who decide to do it this way) Curious Homunculus  Flip and Baral, Chief of Compliance would both be great in here. There's also Thunderclap Drake from the new commander set, and you probably already know about Archmage Emeritus.

DarthSeatb3lt on Kefnet Turns [[cEDH Primer]]

2 years ago

have you considered Plea for Power?

Bmphipps14 on Criminally Underplayed EDH Gems

2 years ago

While I do have a bunch of niche pet cards that are really good in specific situations, I tried to keep this list to cards that I just never see across the table yet jam into most of my decks that can play them. Some of which are already climbing in value so maybe they aren't as underrated as I think but still worth spreading the word about. Caveat that I'm mostly a budget/casual player but cards like these are how I build 50-100 dollar decks that go to bat with 2-400 dollar decks

W Glorious Protector If your deck doesn't have Blue and has ANY level of ETB synergy, this card is amazing. Helps your team dodge all manner of board wipe: bounce, exile, -X/-X, good ol' destroy.

U Plea for Power Pay 4 draw 3 is an acceptable rate and there are situations in which you might be able to convince two of your opponents to give you the extra turn to deal with the third. Metamorphic Alteration I've never seen anybody else play this card- I only play it in Zedruu the Greathearted and Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea which have permanent/Enchantment synergy and would recommend doing the same but the sky's the limit on this bad boy. There's the obvious use of removal (I've turned someone's Commander into a Humble Defector before) but it's got the flexibility of copying someone else's Eldrazi or Avacyn for 2 mana. Stubborn Denial Does your Commander have 4+ Power? Are you already playing Negate? Well here's that for half off!

B Vona's Hunger Instant speed Asymmetrical Board Wipe for 3. Do I need to say anything else? This is one I used to be able to pick up for 80 cents and is now 4 bucks :( Incarnation Technique Any time I've cast this I've negotiated a specific creature in an opponent's graveyard that I know won't be too threatening and gotten two bangers for myself for 5 mana. Additionally, if your deck has any kind of graveyard synergy already, the mill 10 is outstanding. Virtus's Maneuver I'm a sucker for political cards as this list can totally indicate, but this 3 mana spell that pays for itself has the option to remove a pesky Voltron Commander or make some friends around the table. Or both! Court of Ambition Why this isn't in every non-cEDH Black deck is beyond me- If you're able to maintain Monarch (and with it board position) for 2+ turns it will essentially seal the deal on anybody trying to challenge you. Even if you aren't, sending Monarchy around the table encourages them to hurt each other while you're draining a sneaky 3 life every turn from every opponent. This card does serious work (in any game expected to go past turn 6).

R Rousing Refrain Best case scenario you're able to play this turn 2 and then have a pretty blowout-y turn 5 (I use it to cast Niv Mizzet while holding mana for counters) but worst case this is essentially a free spell that helps you rebuild from board wipes or push extra hard for a win. Doesn't go in every deck but consider whether yours is right Chandra, Fire Artisan Repeatable card draw isn't super common in Red, plus she comes with her own discouraging rattlesnake clause.

G Sigardian Zealot I love this card! You're in Green so you probably have creatures- my biggest issue with team-buffers like this is that a lot of them only give the buff on swing. This is at worst a 6/6 Vigilance for 5 that boosts your team the turn he comes down, at best he boosts your team to make killing blows while leaving you all the blockers you need. If you natively have any Trample synergy (this dude rips in my Zilortha, Strength Incarnate deck) then take a look at this guy. Blossoming Bogbeast Budget alternative to Pathbreaker Ibex. Guaranteed +2/+2 and full team Trample: not as mana-intensive or clunky as Dragon Throne of Tarkir and more repeatable than Overwhelming Stampede. Are Stampede and Ibex better? Totally. Are they 70 cents? Nope! And that's all assuming you aren't playing any Lifegain synergy- if you are, this absolutely deserves a slot. Wrap in Vigor If you're playing a non-Blue, non Nikya, non-Voltron Green deck (read: most Green decks because even some of those criteria aren't absolute) this card is awesome! Heroic Intervention is one of the best Green spells ever printed imo and while this is clearly its little brother you should still consider doubling up on 2 mana protection like this. I've won tons of games cause someone else wipes the board for me and the "Creatures can't be regenerated" clause is becoming less and less relevant as cards like Vanquish the Horde become the new standard.

L Bonders' Enclave Does your Commander have 4+ Power and you're playing 3 or less colors? This card deserves a slot. This is the other card I've grabbed 5 of for 40 cents and now are 2 bucks a piece. Is it inefficient? Totally. Does it give you options when it's turn 8 and you're looking at your Commander and an empty hand while coming at the low low cost of being a colorless land in every other situation? Totally.

I got a lot of good ideas from this thread, hopefully mine can help somebody out!

Optimator on

3 years ago

Drop Faerie Tauntings , Ashiok, Nightmare Muse , Traumatize , Trepanation Blade , add about one or two more ramp and two more card-draw at least. I almost always run 8 pieces of ramp and the prevailing wisdom is 10. Same for card-draw: I aim for 8, many aim for 10. Extra ramp is great with Oona's ability and card-draw can draw you into lands and just generally smooth everything out.

Reconnaissance Mission would be good. Treasure Cruise is often almost an Ancestral Recall and is budget too. Even though you're running Blue , Read the Bones is a great rate, as is Night's Whisper . Divination , Concentrate , and Tidings are all great on a budget, if a bit unexciting.

I love Keep Watch , Borrowing 100,000 Arrows , Theft of Dreams , Insight , Windfall , Plea for Power , Curse of Verbosity , and Manifold Insights but they are swingy. High ceilings, low floors. The mana cost on them is what makes them so good.

Midnight Clock is budget right now but it's starting to make waves. Get yours now while they're cheap. Ramp AND draw! Great on a budget.

Secrets of the Golden City and Kumena's Awakening should usually be City's Blessing-ed. I like Kimena's a lot on a budget (along with Patient Rebuilding ). Rush of Knowledge is decent if you have Oona out. Fathom Trawl is a guaranteed three non-lands, though it might be a bit lackluster with so many faeries. Not a bad card though. Mind Spring is great with ramp.

Drawn from Dreams and Dig Through Time are probably better than Diabolic Tutor until you have a game-winning card in the deck like Coat of Arms or some combo pieces (of which all are out-of-budget). I'd say drop Diabolic Tutor . Diabolic Vision is all right on a budget, as is Pilfered Plans , Forbidden Alchemy , and Notion Rain . We can probably do better, even on a tight budget.

Soul Ransom is kind of faerie-ish. Pact of the Serpent maybe?

With all your fliers, Rogue's Gloves and Mask of Memory are fantastic card-draw cards. Mask of Riddles is cute. Curiosity and Curious Obsession are decent but dangerous. Chart a Course is decent with fliers. Whispering Madness can be good with fliers too.

I have mixed feelings about Opt , Serum Visions , Sleight of Hand , Ponder , Preordain , Portent . They certainly don't hurt but they're bad late-game. I run them in some decks. Consider them if most of your card-draw is expensive. Brainstorm is a bit of a trap unless you have ways to shuffle your library and get rig of unwanted cards. This usually requires fetch lands like Polluted Delta and is better in 60-card formats.

Rain of Revelation , Archmage's Charm , Fact or Fiction , Succumb to Temptation , Precognitive Perception , Frantic Search , Pull from Tomorrow , Gush , Village Rites are all good for being instants so you can leave counterspells up and if you don't need them you can draw. That's one of the reasons a card like Anticipate looks weak but is nice for keeping counterspells open. Fact or Fiction is particularly good and is considered a staple in many formats, including EDH.

I would swap out Dimir Locket and Dimir Cluestone for Mind Stone and Prismatic Lens . Maybe Star Compass if it is in budget. I know you need your colors but 3-mana mana rocks that don't have huge upside are sooooo slow. Arcane Signet is probably out of budget, which is too bad. Is Wayfarer's Bauble still expensive? Probably. Worn Powerstone and Hedron Archive maybe? Oona isn't cheap and you want mana for her ability if push comes to shove. Trinket Mage is ramp because it can snag Sol Ring , making it the same rate as Explosive Vegetation and Hedron Archive .

king-saproling on aminatou edh 2hg - test ver

3 years ago

Thoughts on these? Silence, Archaeomancer, Savor the Moment, Plea for Power, Lich's Mirror, Tidal Barracuda, Vampiric Tutor, Lotus Petal, Vanishment, Cloud of Faeries, Decree of Silence, Coveted Jewel, Oubliette (see double masters errata; can now phase out opp's general indefinitely), Grand Arbiter Augustin IV, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Mandate of Peace (ask during opps' upkeep for them to let you know when they are going to combat. They will likely go straight to combat before casting things, allowing you to play this most effectively)

megagundam7 on Vote for Kenrith

4 years ago

I vote for Tim. Although if you want to take the group hug a little further go for any of the good will of the council cards Plea for Power , Council's Judgment or Magister of Worth

plainsrunner on Tenergy

4 years ago

I whipped up a copy of this deck with the cards sorted into categories so I could see what you had going on, and here's what I found:

  1. You have 20 ramp spells and 20 draw spells, probably about twice what you need of each. I'd start by narrowing those down.

  2. You have three cards that deal with +1/+1 counters. I'd replace Doubling Season with Parallel Lives, knowing that. I know it doesn't reduce the amount of cards, but it's 1 mana cheaper and will be equally as effective except in those three circumstances.

  3. You only have two mill cards, so you're not going to be winning with that strategy in 99% of games. I'd take them both out. Startled Awake  Flip is a great card especially when you can copy it, but you know what another great sorcery to copy is? Every other one in the deck, and those ones also contribute to you winning. The same is true for Telemin Performance. Yes, it'll steal a creature from your opponent, but you have other ways of doing that, that allow you to choose the permanent you're stealing.

  4. Of your nine extra turn spells, the weakest is definitely Plea for Power. It may be cheaper than the others, but that's at the cost of allowing your opponents to give you the worst choice between card draw and an extra turn. Both options are good, but one will always be less good, and your opponents will always choose that one.

  5. Speaking of letting your opponents choose, Pir's Whim does that too. Unless your opponent has exactly one artifact or enchantment, they won't choose to sacrifice the one that's causing you the most trouble. The added benefit of it allowing you to ramp isn't that great compared to the other ramp spells at your disposal.

I know this won't get you all the way down to 100 cards, but hopefully you'll be able to take a look at the categories I made or make your own and glean some helpful insights from them.

Jace_Nalaar on Thousand-Year Kess

4 years ago


No worries dude. Always happy to help a fellow spellslinger. From the looks of it, I would probably drop Ignite Memories for Finale of Promise, Nightscape Familiar for Lightning Greaves, and Plea for Power for Past in Flames.

For Ignite Memories, it seems a little high in the CMC to potentially whiff as a result of. Even with heavy mana rituals, for the same price you could get two spells out of your yard with Finale of Promise and potentially get more bang for your buck depending on how deep into your storm you are.

I'm all for redundancy, but you have a few general cost reducers already and, despite high CMCs on the tail end of your curve, you can probably cut Nightscape Familiar safely without really noticing a stutter in your plays. The greaves would ultimately serve you better, I think. If they're rightfully hating your graveyard access, you want to make sure you can keep that door open.

Lastly, Plea for Power is a meta call. If your group is a little more generous with giving out turns, it could benefit you quite a bit. But, on average for me that would read "3U: Draw 3 cards" which you can accomplish fairly easily with other spells for less. Past in Flames is great when your yard is stocked with cheap cantrips and draw, or even a huge finisher you want to dump your mana into. I imagine Mana Geyser works spectacularly at a huge table with the right timing, so you can easily take a chunk out of your opponents with Jaya's Immolating Inferno and your other damaging spells.

With Theros Beyond Death out now, two cards I got super excited for were Underworld Breach and Thassa's Oracle. Oracle works as a way better labman because it's harder to stop once it resolves if you manage to exile/draw your entire library. She put my backup wincon of Demonic Consultation over the edge with her ETB. As for Underworld, that card gets such value in a graveyard deck it's insane. 2 mana for what's essentially a discount Yawg Will had me so hyped when I saw it for the first time. Just by exiling lands or dead cards from your graveyard you can cast and recast more effective spells. The plus side to them is that they don't exile after casting, either. If you've got a fat yard with a lot of dead weight in it, you can pretty much cast the same high-value spell over and over again to build a ridiculous storm count. Personally, I'd recast something like dark/cabal ritual 3 or 4 times and then hit everyone with a giant exsanguinate. I can't recommend Underworld Breach enough. I'd even recommend it over Past in Flames if you think you can get a big enough yard to abuse it.

Gushing over specific cards aside, I hope this helped tune your deck a little better and that you get to kick some ass at your next game. Gotta represent the best commander after all.

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