Obsidian Acolyte

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Obsidian Acolyte

Creature — Human Cleric

Protection from black

{{W}}: Target creature gains protection from black until end of turn.

Durkle on Give it a little tappy, tap tap tap-aroo

1 year ago

Hey. Funny enough, I've been working on this archetype for a while now. Excited for the new convoke cards. I'm not here to tell you how to build your deck, but I do wanna share some of my experience with you.

I've tried a ton of different versions, spanning all 5 colors. At the core of every single version is 4 Field Surgeon 4 Stonybrook Schoolmaster. Beyond that, it's kinda fair game. I started out in green builds with stuff like Jaspera Sentinel and Sprout Swarm and whatnot, but those builds never performed that well for me. You'd think they would, but it just never felt like what the deck needed. When you build around Field Surgeon and Schoolmaster, what you need from there is redundancy and ways to stabilize, not necessarily ways to go even wider. At least, that was my conclusion. To that end, I would highly highly recommend Samite Herbalist and Veteran Armorer. You kinda have herbalist subbed out for Judge of currents, which is fine too, but I really value the scry from herbalist. Especially early game. If you stumble at getting on the board early, the deck can look kind of pathetic to be totally honest lmao. Oh, and Veteran Armorer just does so much work at preserving your board. Completely frees you up from worrying about Suffocating Fumes and Electrickery. Obsidian Acolyte is extremely important out of the board. Among other things, it makes you a lot safer against Pestilence.

The two versions I've had the most success with (and neither of them are updated to account for new cards yet) are my Orzhov and Azorius builds. Especially with Meeting of the Minds existing now, I totally suspect that Azorius will be how I run it most often now. Azorius Surgeon and the tap sisters, if you care to take a look. I really need to update each, but they're both a lot of fun.

Also, don't be a coward, you gotta run at least one copy of ~~Ancestral Recall~~ Shared Discovery.

This all came out a bit more eclectically worded than I meant it too, but I'm excited to see somebody else working on this archetype. Godspeed.

Henchman31 on Meow Mix: CMC 1.30

2 years ago

Hi there! I've really been liking what you and Gattison have built with your Pauper lists. It's quickly become my favorite format. I'd really like to make this list work in my LGS's Pauper group. Do you have any suggestions for a more current version and a sideboard? Here's what I thought of so far (amounts not yet set):

Emerge Unscathed or Apostle's Blessing: protection

Spidersilk Net: for the flyers

Obsidian Acolyte and Crimson Acolyte: protection from most removal for themselves and the other creatures, as well as ideal targets for equipping against B and R.

Journey to Nowhere, Lens Flare: removal

Vorrac Battlehorns, Haunted Cloak: keywords!

Abzan Advantage, Disenchant: enchantment removal

Angelsong: save from a big swing or, at worst, card draw

War Report, Armed Response: equipment benefits

Tormod's Crypt: bog standard yard hate

Thanks for your time. I hope you keep up the brewing!

Zackary on B/W Pauper Soul Sisters Lifegain

3 years ago

i would take out Lone Missionary for Veteran Armorer or Lumithread Field to protect your creatures form Electrickery . Cut a Mourning Thrull , a Soul Warden OR a Soul's Attendant and a Plains for 3x Night's Whisper , you are going to need the card draw. Replace the Castigate with Harsh Sustenance or Unmake.


Take out Shadowfeed and put in Beckon Apparition , i think it will synergies with with the soul sisters and Edge of the Divinity by giving you a white/black creature token. take out Nihil Spellbomb for Relic of Progenitus , trade out the Swamp in the sideboard for a Bojuka Bog or 2x by taking out 1x Bonesplitter . Replace the Castigate and Disenchant with 3x Standard Bearer.


Crimson Acolyte , Obsidian Acolyte , Prismatic Strands , Battle Screech , Rune of Protection: Red , Rune of Protection: Green , Epicure of Blood , Oblivion Ring

sorry about the last post with no hyperlinks to the card names. i am new

NeverTheTwelve on Polnareff's Bizarre Adventure

6 years ago

Is that a mother**g JOJO reference?

Also if you play with SB

DarkMagician on Help Rounding Out

6 years ago

Working on a deck based around pairing Obsidian Acolyte with Pestilence and Crypt Rats. I've got most of the deck but it currently has five open slots in the main board so I'm looking for suggestions on what to fill those slots with. The deck is Pestilent Acolyte.

Sliver_God on White Tokens

7 years ago

Icatian Javelineers are very meta dependent. They are either great or terrible. In the games that I sadly reach 4 mana, they make a great target to Enchant with Hopeful Eidolon. If they aren't working for you, replace them with the Souls, or perhaps a 2 power or toughness creature. Even Doomed Traveler is a decent choice if you're expecting a lot of Black or Red.

4x Battle Screech= worth it. Very good in so many situations! The only downside to this card is its monetary cost.

4x Triplicate Spirits= too much. Amazing when you can convoke all or most of the CMC, but terrible when you draw into it and have no creatures and few lands.

Ramosian Rally is amazing and great if you can keep surprising your opponents with it, but 8 pump spells has been too many in my humble experience? 6 seems to be the sweet spot, unless you're playing counterspell-heavy meta in which case I go up to 7. The problem is drawing into pump spells when just one more creature would have closed the game in your favor, which happens more than I like to admit.

Crimson Acolyte is immune to Galvanic Blast and Lightning Bolt not to mention Electrickery-- And can grant this immunity to another creature!

Obsidian Acolyte dodges Evincar's Justice, Crypt Rats, Doom Blade, and blocks Gurmag Angler for free!

The great thing about these two cards is that they are can help you go wide and be pumped, unlike the harder-to-remove Circle of Protection spells. Just be sure you don't play them into a situation that makes them vulnerable to Edicts.

Journey to Nowhere is almost certainly the best removal card in White for Pauper. Every once in a while you simply must get rid of a Fangren Marauder or a Thermo-Alchemist or something.

Suture Priest is great if you're expecting other creature matches, especially things like Elves or Goblins.

I've never had the luck to get 3 lands and Dust to Dust early enough for it to count against Affinity. I prefer Sundering Growth for that effect, hitting their blockers or lands early and helping me go a bit wider simultaneously.

In all cases, test for yourself and see what fits your style and experience better!

Warxuaroz on Kaalia, born in Heaven for Hell on Earth

7 years ago

Hello there, BlackWitch!

So I've been wondering how can you, with all the awesomeness and kickassness you already have, become more resilient.
I've found some interesting pieces that might suit your needs and wills.

Artifacts/auras to stick to Kaalia and lean back relaxed while she reaks the havoc she was born to dwell in:
Champion's Helm -looks good on on sadistic flying cleric chicks imo.
General's Kabuto -shroud and no damage is just what Kaalia needs! The only thing still that could break her is a wipe.
Ward of Lights/Cho-Manno's Blessing -are both similar with the exception of Cho-Manno's Blessing being much better. Maybe a little costly but certainly worth a thought or even two.
Righteous War -it's a two-colour Earnest Fellowship.
Reconnaissance -that would be nice if you wanted a Dolmen Gate effect. Not if Kaalia has shroud but still a valid ability. Maze of Ith can help you with that, as well as making opponent's creatures do no damage.

Stave Off is just a Gods Willing with no extra effect. Simply a reliable one-drop.
Otherworldly Journey can both protect your commander from being destroyed and make her more beefy with the counter. Same can be done with Ajani's Presence or Undying Evil.
Bathe in Light can be used on Kaalia and grant protection to all the other creatures you control at the same time. To be used at a tougher than expected combat phase or in order to make your attack go through.
If you are facing an incoming Wrath of God or such, you can always use a Ghostway! Similar effect can be achieved with Cauldron Haze or even Cauldron of Souls only with -1/-1 penalty.
If you want a protection against every spell AND not just as a counterspell but with until-end-of-turn effect, there's always the old friend waiting: Silence. Very powerful imo. I need to get one as well! I wonder why doesn't it cost much more.

Now for more proactive play:
Go for the Throat is a really nice spot removal which black can provide.
Aurelia's Fury -this card I am always biased about. It can be costly, it can be cheap. It can be useless if you want pure damage of pure control. But if you need to just tap the creatures or if you just need to counter that creature spell it is the one you go for. AND it does damage!

I see you like discards and no wonder -it's a very efficient and honestly -tilting activity. If you want maximum salt, I propose Hymn to Tourach. No targeted discard can tilt as much as random shot at two lands in opponent's 2nd turn, or even before that. Pure cruelty and immorality. But that's what you aim for, right?

As to the creatures I've found:

Ending the topic of discards: Mesmeric Fiend. Not OP, but hell, it might be just what you want.
And while at two-drop creatures, Benevolent Bodyguard, Obsidian Acolyte, Daru Spiritualist, Selfless Spirit and Standard Bearer can all help you with the Bearer being far superior to others imo. If killed/discarded, you can also bring them all back with the Reveillark! Same can be done to one-drops (like the Mother) with Ranger of Eos.
Last, but not least: Deathless Angel. I know it's not the omni-potent killing machine you'd like to drop with Kaalia, but it's really nice when comes to protecting her mother or any sibling actually.

Now the tricky part: I have one thing I don't really know if it works and some that I know you won't like, but I still want you to know them.
Illusionist's Bracers can potentially let you put two fatties on board at once. I'm not sure if it really is so, sadly.

And all the life-loss cards:
Phyrexian Arena -come on! It's supernice! Who cares about 1 life if you draw a protection you'll need or a demon that will win you the game!
Same goes for Night's Whisper and Skeletal Scrying.
Toxic Deluge just annihilates the board. You usually control more beefy ones so you can get rid of anything to the threshold you choose.
Grim Tutor is just another one to get what you need.
Both Thoughtseize and Mind Twist look good. Mind Twist can really vegetablify the opponent at almost any time of the game.

And the last one: Hall of the Bandit Lord. I know 3 is a lot of life. But considering you might take far more from the opponent I believe it can be neglected. The card is very powerful if used correctly. I believe it could make the deck more aggressive, just another brick in your wall of hatred in the wrath castle of Kaalia.

I hope you will take as much as you can from it and that it will help you somehow in making this damn good deck a masterpiece.

adanlaj on Return!

8 years ago

I am tempted to change it up dramatically, dropping black out, so it will only be Blue and White. That makes room for the Ponders also allows for more Crimson Acolyte and Obsidian Acolyte, not to mention a Sway of Illusions. But I lose all the damage that black provides, which is the win condition. What do you think?

I do agree with you about the Terramorphic Expanse