Lightmine Field

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lightmine Field


Whenever one or more creatures attack, Lightmine Field deals damage to each of those creatures equal to the number of attacking creatures.

Belfore on Boros Enchantment Fort

3 weeks ago

Maybe Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer for a little more consistents on your commander's abilities activating since you aren't the one attacking it seems. Or maybe Lightmine Field / Powerstone Minefield to punish attacking a bit, or you know some more chaos thrown in.

jarncards on Stardew

1 year ago

It looks fun. I dont necessarily know if it needs any changes. If nothing else, I would strongly recommend you consider Wood Elemental and Alabaster Leech, since I will be playing against this deck.

Akroma's Will or Garruk's Uprising are good options to make sure damage gets through for mass trample/protection. Run Rancor, you get it back for multiple plays every time its enchanted creature dies

You dont have much to interact with opponent's boards. Or to protect your own outside of avacyn. given the snowball you have where each card you play will draw you 1-5 more, you might be ok without interraction since you might just overwhelm everyone if you want to play it that way, but white gives a lot of the best options for removal.

Archon of Sun's Grace is almost a direct upgrade to Ajani's Chosen. Honestly i think they are both great to run, I would reconsider using them, Avenger of Zendikar, and maybe something like Eldrazi Monument. If you intend to keep it so that you primarilly win through attacking with a couple super beefy guys, Lightmine Field is silly

Food Chain will be REALLY helpful when youve drawn too many cards. both to give mana to play them, and to kill off your card advantage engines before they get you killed. Most enchantress effects are not "may" abilities.

As usual, I consider Reliquary Tower to be a bad card. Since you are going to have even more draw than mana in this deck, personally I would ditch it so I could discard to hand size and take advantage of the mass reanimate cards for enchantments like Brilliant Restoration, Resurgent Belief, Open the Vaults, Triumphant Reckoning, and the Replenish you already run.

They are very expensive mana-wise, but Legion Loyalty and True Conviction would do silly things as wincons in this deck. legion loyalty will give you an obscene number of creatures, enchantment creature ETB triggers, and bonuses to the cards that care about the number you have like all that glitters, and

Epicurus on Ramos the Mutated Lord

1 year ago

+1 just because I love Mutate! Hahaha, don't even know if this deck is good or not, but it definitely could be, and looks fun as hell either way.

I can make some suggestions, but take them with a grain of salt. I really believe that I would have to actually play the deck to determine what it needs, what it doesn't need, and what might be helpful to add or cut in order to improve it.

First, here's a list of cards that are generally good for a Ramos deck:

Shielding Plax - gives Ramos Hexproof, puts two +1/+1 counters on him, and draws a card.

Maelstrom Nexus - Puts five counters on Ramos with one spell, grants free casting.

Corpsejack Menace - Speeds up access to Ramos's mana ability.

Zacama, Primal Calamity - Castable using Ramos's ability, and in my experience one of the best things to do so with.

Horned Kavu - Two colors for feeding Ramos, allows you to recast something, and has the added bonus in this deck of possibly allowing you to re-mutate stuff.

Next, I think that you need more early ramp. Here are some suggestions for that, starting with the most obvious choices:


Birds of Paradise

Noble Hierarch

Ilysian Caryatid

Fellwar Stone

To help facilitate some of these inclusions, here are some suggested cuts:

Thrun, the Last Troll - You have enough targets to Mutate without this, and removing him lowers your mana curve.

Lore Drakkis - Yeah, I know, that would make one less Mutate trigger, but it really doesn't do much of anything else for you. You don't have many instants and/or sorceries.

Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin - I understand why you may want him (he generates blockers, and you are vulnerable to go-wide strategies), but I think he's just unnecessarily raising your curve. By the time you can cast him, you'll probably have a lot of other spells you'd rather cast with that mana. If your meta dictates that you require defense against go-wide, there are better choices. Crawlspace, Lightmine Field, Silent Arbiter/Dueling Grounds.

Fertilid - Absolutely a waste of mana. There are a million things you're better off with than this.

Geist of Saint Traft - I'm actually torn on this one, but I really believe that it falls into the same category as Thrun. You'll likely have other good targets for mutation, though the Flying and Hexproof combination is a good one. I'd still consider your mana curve when deciding whether to keep it.

The Ozolith - Other than Ramos and Crystalline Giant, I really don't see how this is incredibly useful. It's genuinely a good card, but I don't see enough here to justify its inclusion.

Zendikar Resurgent - Too high of a cost. By the time you can cast it, this deck shouldn't need it. If you want to keep the draw effect, you're better off with Chulane, Teller of Tales.

Windgrace's Judgment - Pure jank. I take it your meta is mostly multiplayer? Even so, you'd probably benefit much more from some kind of cheaper, targeted removal. However, if you're so inclined, Decimate for one less mana, or Ruinous Ultimatum for a much more beneficial effect.

Finally, your land base could use an upgrade. That's probably obvious, and likely due to budget restrictions. I get it, land can be what makes a deck expensive to build, and casual decks sometimes aren't worth the money. However, you have a lot of lands on your list that ETB tapped, and that is disconcerting. Pain lands and check lands are the cheapest way to remedy this problem (albeit, the check lands are way more effective if you have shock lands and/or triomes, and furthermore aren't exactly inexpensive either).

I hope I didn't explode your brain, hahaha. If anything, take all of this as proof that I really want this deck to be awesome!


Blobby_Bobby on Samurai! (feat. Exactly Zero Tom Cruises)

1 year ago

I must say, your deck names are nothing short of masterpieces. I now know what Katsushika Hokusai's peers must have felt as he unveiled Fine Wind, Clear Morning.

Isshin has some pretty wild interactions, I'll try to fish some of them up. Like weird stuff one wouldn't really think of like Lightmine Field

multimedia on Gishath EDH Budget

1 year ago

Hey five supporting budget cards I like a lot with Dinos are Shielded by Faith, Lightmine Field, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Court of Bounty and Duelist's Heritage. All these cards have repeatable effects for no additional mana which I feel is important when you're playing and wanting to cast many high mana cost creatures especially 8 mana Gishath.

Shielded by Faith is protection from a lot of opponent's removal, combat damage, but also from damaging your own creature to trigger enrage. It can change creatures which is helpful to enchant a creature before Gishath and then attach to Gishath when he enters. Get Shielded on Temple Altisaur or Forerunner of the Empire.

Lightmine Field is to trigger enrage each time you attack. It also deter opponents from attacking you or each other with a lot of creatures. It's excellent with Temple Altisaur.

Domri, Anarch of Bolas does a lot, it's ramp, protection for Gishath/other Dinos from being countered and it can be creature removal/enrage enabler.

Court of Bounty can be repeatable draw with the monarch as well as repeatable cheat a Dino or land from your hand. It helps to get high mana cost Dinos out of your hand onto the battlefield to use your mana to cast ramp, other support or leave it open for instant interaction.

Duelist's Heritage is less mana for repeatable double strike effect for Gishath the turn it enters the battlefield. If you want to you can also give an opponent's creature when it attacks double strike.

Lanzo493 on Card that Punishes attacking/dealing combat …

1 year ago

Some cards I can think of are Comeuppance and Divine Deflection. Other cards like Sarkhan the Masterless, Circle of Flame and Lightmine Field punish attacking.

carpecanum on Humble thy self! (Atraxa, -1/-1 Humility Deck)

1 year ago

Pestilence or Lightmine Field to kill 1/1's. Festering March

Kormus Bell if you have Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth out. Or Jolrael, Empress of Beasts

White has a bajillion enchantments to give all your creatures +1/+1, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite with Humility is terrifying

In Garruk's Wake to brute force it

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