Bold Plagiarist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bold Plagiarist

Creature — Vampire Rogue


Whenever an opponent puts one or more counters on a creature they control, they put the same number of kind of counters on Bold Plagiarist.

Santiago1011 on My Deck Won't Update

2 years ago

yeaGO One for certain change is Bold Plagiarist should be removed from the rogue section. When I go to edit it, all of the changes are there in the decklist, but then when I save it reverts back to the list it was at deck creation (I copied the list over from a previous deck because it was having the same problem, then made the changes on this new deck)

budlaorf on Breena, School of Counters

3 years ago

Alright. I did take out the following cards Bellowing Aegisaur , Blightbeetle , Bold Plagiarist , and Dark Impostor .

I have replaced them with the following cards: Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet , Hangarback Walker , Walking Ballista , and Myriad Construct . Next time I play commander, I'll test these cards out and see how they do. Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone!

Archon_Bel on Breena, School of Counters

3 years ago

Nice to see another Breena player. I think you could stand to bring your creature count down to make room for more utility cards, namely draw and removal. Slow cards that require you to tap or pay good chunks of mana for their effects, or inefficient cards that only benefit themselves, one other creature, or are dependent on your opponent doing something, should be the first to go. Cards that have to wait a whole cycle of turns to do anything (i.e "At the beginning of your upkeep" cards) also aren't that great imo.

Bellowing Aegisaur Blightbeetle Bold Plagiarist Dark Impostor sus Fain, the Broker High Sentinels of Arashin Luminarch Aspirant Star Pupil Yahenni, Undying Partisan Utter End Vanishing Verse Citadel Siege Gleam of Authority

I'd consider these to be the worst cards in your deck and easily replaceable for some utility or cards that directly feed into your strategy, which is going wide with tokens and being able to place counters on all of them at once. If a creature only does benefit itself, it should have some kind of pay off for leaving the field since a card like that is likely to get removed once it gets big enough. Bloodtracker is a good example of this, as is Myriad Construct .

yurixquest on [PRIMER] Between politics and violence

3 years ago

I'm thinking of removing the Sparring Regimen , Bold Plagiarist and Imperious Oligarch cards and adding Hushwing Gryff , Tocatli Honor Guard and Leonin Arbiter . This change would remove very conditional pieces to add answers and a little control to the deck.