Meren’s Thousand-Eyed Army [Primer]

Commander / EDH Control_Train

SCORE: 165 | 76 COMMENTS | 28680 VIEWS | IN 77 FOLDERS

Staples are Good Cards —Jan. 20, 2019

Staples are staples for a reason, I guess. Good card is good.


  • Dread Returnfoil - free reanimate with no life loss; what a bargain
  • Pattern of Rebirthfoil - good card is good; why this isn't a Meren staple I'm not sure, maybe with the reprint more people will play it
  • Reanimatefoil - hey wow this card is insanely good in a reanimator deck with potential for huge life gain swings
  • Tooth and Nailfoil - get any two creatures into play from my deck for only nine mana; seems like a bargain to me
  • Victimizefoil - it's a two for one OUT
    • Desecrated Tombfoil - wow this card is so bad based on the fact that I misread it as "Make a bat for each creature that leaves your graveyard" when it's really just "make a bat for each instance of a creature leaving the graveyard"
    • Lifeline - this card seems so good on the surface, but the parity is backbreaking and it honestly just wasn't that useful; plus artifacts are harder to recur
    • Traverse the Ulvenwaldfoil - delirium is a lot harder to obtain in a deck with very few card types outside of creature and land
    • Vraska, Golgari Queenfoil - she's thematic and quite good, but just not good enough; she's hard to recur and doesn't do much other than be a Phyrexian Arena or four mana Abrupt Decay
    • Windgrace's Judgment - this is a really good piece of removal, I just don't need it in the deck; it's overkill