Gods Willing (Abridged Version)

Commander / EDH loricatuslupus


Written in the Stars —Jan. 25, 2020

Ah, Theros. The original set was actually when I started playing, so some very fond memories for me. Beyond Death really does it justice, even if perhaps there were a few too many things going on jammed into one set (the titans? War between the gods? Heliod's champion being Elspeth's resurrected lover?!). Of course this meant new gods, and although I've heard a lot of complaints about them not reprinting the whole pantheon realistically there wasn't the space within. Plus there's not enough room to fit them all in the deck! The increased drop chance on constellations is making them easy to pick up cheaply, and they look amazing. Plus the set had some very welcome additions such as Setessan Champion, Calix, Destiny's Hand and finally a reprint of Idyllic Tutor. The only thing that really irritated me was the reprinting of only half the temples with the possibility of an extended border card, because I'd like them to match.

Caerwyn says... #1

I saw your mention of playing Karona on a different list, so had to hunt down your deck and give it a look!

Couple quick thoughts I had:

Vow of Duty and Vow of Malice do very little for youyes, they protect you from Karona, but their benefits beyond that are minimal.

Instead, consider Armadillo Cloak, which heals you every time Karona attacks, even if by other players.

For your other free slot, I might consider Open the Armorya solid budget tutor which can find one of your more useful vows.

March 17, 2018 10:29 p.m.

loricatuslupus says... #2

cdkime that's a fair point, to be honest I actually end up using the Vows on other players' creatures: Karona costs so much that if the ramp cards don't appear I need to stop people attacking me until I can cast her. All five is probably a bit too many though! The actual replacements I was going to go with were Steel of the Godhead and Runes of the Deus.

March 19, 2018 7:39 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #3

Understandable--I often use the vows to the same purpose.

I think I might give Steel of the Godhead a test in my own deck. I had initially ignored cards with lifelink, as that provides your allies a boon. But I've had some difficulty punching damage through and encouraging opponents to attack--definitely going to give this card a second look.

March 19, 2018 8:57 p.m.