Esper Reboot

Standard Paragon_19


Last updates before FNM —Oct. 22, 2014

Took some advice from the constructive comments i have gotten and switched some things around. No longer using Empty the Pits and will instead utilize delve only for drawing. cut the 2 Jace's Ingenuity for one more of each Taigam's Scheming and Dig Through Time. I decided i still wanted to keep Nyx-Fleece Ram in the 60 because it still will help me survive until i get one of my win cons to win the game. Thanks for the help everyone that commented, now i will hope like hell the main control shard stands a chance in a wedge set!

Aquafier says... #2

I would consider running dig through time as your draw and run Pearl Lake Ancient instead of empty the pits as a win-con

October 19, 2014 7:08 p.m.

Paragon_19 says... #3

I like the Pearl Lake Ancient idea, because its one that i used when i tried this deck the first time. If i do decide to change it before FNM then i would probably also drop the Jace's Ingenuity for either two more Dig Through Time , two Treasure Cruise , or one of each since i wont need cards to delve if Empty the Pits is gone and i only use delve to draw. Seems like an idea?

October 21, 2014 1:03 p.m.

matto89 says... #4

Congrats on trying to make an off shard deck! Hopefully we will both figure them out. I just have a few suggestions to your list.

I am down on Empty the Pits as well. I think that spot would be better utilized on a 3rd Despise .

I would think about possibly moving the Nyx-Fleece Ram s to the board in favor of another End Hostilities , Land, or Bile Blight . Early testing of a deck like this showed that your Angel was the only creature needed, especially since you're running so many planes walkers...although I understand wanting to run more creatures.

Overall the deck looks killer. Good luck on putting the finishing touches on it.

October 21, 2014 1:29 p.m.

Paragon_19 says... #5

Thanks much matto89! I'll be working on it today and tonight and will have an updated list, so check back and tell me what you think then.

October 21, 2014 2:46 p.m.

TheHroth says... #6

I think your list could use Last Breath somewhere. +1 for trying to make Esper control work in standard. I'm trying too, here's my list: The Rogue Shard of Tarkir

October 21, 2014 6:52 p.m.