Enchanticore (4 color Constellation)

Standard sk00kes


3-1 Wed Night —May 22, 2014

At Shanes, played in a 4 rounder, deck performed very very well.

Won in 3 games against Mono-Blue Devotion. First game went long, got a bestowed Chromanticore but didn't get enough removal to race. Next game she got mana screwed, she attacked with Mutavault and i Putrefy bringing her to 2 lands. Next game got the removal, and stayed ahead.

Won in 2 games against B/G Devotion. Second game he had me down to 2. Tapped a Mana Confluence to bring me to 1 and the Angel of Serenity stabilized and eventually won me the game.

Won in 2 games against a RUG brew. Unexpected Results Blast of Genius and Worldspine Wurm. Was a super fun matchup, but i wound up prevailing. Cyclonic Rift overloaded, and bringing in Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver from the board was really good against him.

Lost in 2 games to White Weenie. Honestly i made a really bad play mistake in the second game which cost me the second game. i made an early attack with my Underworld Coinsmith into a Soldier of the Pantheon. The card would have gained at least another 4 to 5 life, which likely would have been the difference. My opponents seemed to agree with me that post-sideboard my matchup is really strong against this deck.

So i very well could have went 4-0. Very good night.