The Legendary Lotus

Costa Mesa, Ca

AutumnZephyr says... #1

So I played tonight in the FNM touney at the store nearest me and, to say the least, it was fun and interesting...

M1: 1-2 LossThis round was against an elf deck, running the Vengevine and Fauna Shaman combo... Ironically I was going to play my elf deck, but I ended up playing my quest deck...

G1: Completely ad totally owned, had to mull down to 4 cards in hand and then completely beat down by vengevines...

G2: First turn Quest for the Holy Relic , beat out the elves and Vengevine s...

G3: So horrible, thought i hd him, but he ended up natualizeing my Argentum Armor then beating me with Vengevine s...

M2: 2-1 WinThis round was against a UB control deck, this was actually one of the most fun matches I played tonight...

G1: So I started out pretty good, I gad to mulligan donw twice to just get a playable hand on top of getting Mana Leak ed and Doom Blade ed several times, he one with a steel helkite beatdown...

G2: After siding in a Blazing Torch and 2 Jinxed Idol s, we started the second game, in which i started with a first turn quest, then a double quest, after several trading blows (including me annoying him with a Blazing Torch equiped Kor Duelist ) I won with and armored Glint Hawk

G3: Quickest game of the match:t1: Questt2: Quest, memnite, glint hawkt3: Glint hawk, searched for SoBaM and Armor...He couldnt recover after that...

M3: 2-0 WinThis match was against a RB vamp burn...

G1: Normal quest win, after several times getting burned... But eventually pushed through...

G2: Pretty much the same as the first game, but for some reason he didn't sac his [[vampire hexmage] before I cracked my Quest for the Holy Relic , odd but whatever... Also completely reflected his archtail with a Refraction Trap ...

M4: 2-0This match was pretty stupid, no offence to GW quest decks, but this was just playing sad...

G1: He starts out with Fauna Shaman and does the usual discard Vengevine to Vengevine routine, but I end up beating him to the win with a first turn quest to Argentum Armor

G2: Same thing, except he gets mana screwed early on so he cant get anything off, so another win with an Argentum Armor

Overall: 3-1This deck is too in consistent IMO, and has several flaws, it needs a couple Stoneforge Mystic s to finish t off, and it had no answer for Elves persay...

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

Ultrabeast says... #2

Second place at FNM Standard tourney, 2-1.

2-0 first round against a Karn deck.0-2 second round vs. RUG. Kept opening hands I shouldn't have :(2-0 round three versus Elves.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

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