Sefris - Relentless Recursion

Commander / EDH Kougaiji38


More changes —Jan. 12, 2022

OUT: Ondu Inversion  Flip - IN: Mana Drain

I'm running a few many lands, its within the scope, but I think I'd rather have more control cards.

OUT: Elesh Norn  Flip - IN: Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur

Idk, I keep going back and forth on this one, I feel like I might get more value out of Jin-Gitaxias, since (if the deck is working) there shouldn't be many creatures on my opponent's field anyway. Idk, I might switch it back out sneakily later if I change my mind. Or take it out completely for a signet or something.

OUT: Lithoform Engine - IN: Necromancy

I feel like lithoform engine costs too much to be valuable in this deck. It's been a dead draw several times for me. Basically, if I have 4 mana open I'd rather be casting something else 90% of the time. I think Strionic Resonator works so well because it's only 2 mana, placing it in a spot in the deck where there aren't a lot of competing choices. Necromancy is also recurrable with Sun Titan so I might be able to cheat out something better than ususal with this little combo

OUT: Nadaar, Selfless Paladin - IN: Skyclave Apparition.

Ya hate to see it go. Since I've been tuning the deck I've been less dependent on attacks to trigger ventures. This is the last card in the deck that actually ventures when it attacks as its main trick. And I don't really need an anthem effect. However, more removal that can target artifacts and enchantments is always super needed.