Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control

Commander / EDH hootsnag


Newest Update —July 8, 2021

Removed Idyllic Tutor, Replicating Ring, Cascading Cataracts, Grand Coliseum, Path of Ancestry, a Swamp, and Sphere of Safety. Added Ring of Three Wishes, Worn Powerstone, Tolaria West, Spire of Industry, Mox Opal, Castle Lochthwain and Saw it Coming.

Interesting deck, but it seems like you have far too few win conditions, or at least efficient win conditions while far too much control. Of a sort.

Nephalia Drownyard only works if you have infinite turns and gets shut off if opponents are running shuffle titans (which you could exile with Jester's Cap or many other cards but you see my point. Darksteel Reactor isn't a good win condition either, considering you only have 6 counterspells. One non-creature based artifact removal kills that and it's unlikely that you've drawn a counterspell or kept it. You do have a land that gets it back but your opponents have still reset your win condition.

40 lands is still excessive tho, you could comfortably drop that to 37. Competitive decks run like 34.

And while you have 7 mana rocks, Chromatic Orrery is a horrifyingly bad card for this deck. Extremely expensive cmc, you have so much card draw that the activated ability should never be relevant. There's so much card draw that you should be able to mana fix just fine with your good mana base so the mana fixing ability is also never relevant.

It really just feels while your deck wants to make sure that your opponents don't have win conditions, your own win conditions are pretty weak. This stalls out the game and tends to make people really annoyed at you.

Also, you're an Oloro, Ageless Ascetic deck and you running basically no lifegain. At the very least that should be a bit more prominent just for easy draw.

I do not understand your budget either. Is your deck proxied or is this just a theoretical/Cockatrice deck? Because you have both a The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale a Moat but you're also running a Scour from Existence It's totally fine if you have, I'm just curious.

Otherwise this deck stuffs decks that want to go for a specific combo, never really seen that before.

Seems fun, don't take my criticism personally, I've done my best to make it objective.

Have a wonderful day.

June 27, 2021 9:19 p.m.

hootsnag says... #2

I appreciate the criticism so here's my feedback. I have most of these cards already because I bought them in card shops for cheap back in the 90s (including Moat/Tabernacle/Mana Drain/Forcefield) so I only have to buy a few more. I'd probably spend the most on an Imperial Seal. This deck is very anti-fun for others you play against for sure but it ensures that no one else has a win condition. Believe it or not, it is very resistant to removal since I have many ways to return stuff back to my hand from the graveyard or from exile, counterspell stuff, or just make things indestructible. You don't need a lot of win conditions if you can take infinite turns while infinitely milling their libraries or just win with darksteel reactor. Oloro is to add enough life to ensure you live a couple more turns without having creatures in play and that's about all he's good for. Other commander options for this deck suck except maybe Atraxa. I use things like Jester's Cap/Sadistic Sacrament/etc to exile all of their removal or large threats from their libraries. As far as 40 lands goes, not all of those stay in play or are used for mana. 4 are fetch lands, 1 land is a tutor, and the Tabernacle doesn't tap for mana so that leaves only 35 mana producing lands. This deck is really mana intensive so all of the mana rocks are definitely needed after all of the play testing I've done. I know this deck looks bizzare but I promise it's far more scary when actually played than you realize.

June 27, 2021 11:55 p.m. Edited.

Daaang, you’re an oldschool oldschool player. Casually has a Moat/Tabernacle.

Still disagree with Chromatic Orrery but it’s not my deck. If the deck works for you then it works for you. Enjoy

June 30, 2021 8:45 p.m.