Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

Commander / EDH Bazzul


Update 6 —July 3, 2020

I added Command Beacon to deal with the new cEDH staple Drannith Magistrate. The card also provides some ramp if Belzenlok gets countered by avoiding the commander tax.

Note: I'll be testing Deadly Rollick in the main deck for a while as well.

koopalings says... #1

godo's ugly cousin :)

March 20, 2020 11:33 p.m.

Lord0fHam says... #2

so how about that Deadly Rollick?

April 12, 2020 2:59 a.m.

Scott-Spain says... #3

Was gonna recommend Deadly Rollick, but I don't think there's room for it. Your removal needs to be playable before you can cast Demonlord. However, Meteor Golem needs to be added to the Hate Removal section.

May 9, 2020 8:25 p.m.

BloodyScout says... #4

It's possible you've already included it and I just have horrible eyesight, but what do you think about running Koskun Falls ? Its not likely you'll need to worry about the upkeep cost, so it seems like a nice way to stay alive.

May 11, 2020 2:59 p.m.

BloodyScout says... #5

Also for the sake of combo protection/politics you could put in Head Games.

May 13, 2020 12:31 p.m.

diogo1943 says... #6

Is there any reason for running zoetic cavern? Is there any special interaction I am unaware of, or is it jus to have a blocker if need be?

June 21, 2020 6:42 a.m.

Bazzul says... #7

Sorry to everyone for the long absence I'll reply some of the comments you made :)

Lord0fHam Deadly Rollick is def a card I want to test but I haven't been able to play much. The advantage of the card is that it doesn't cost life, which is a valuable resource for the deck, however we only have the commander up for a very very small fraction of the time because he is sacrifice fodder for Dread Return.

Scott-Spain thank you for the catch! Added to the maybeboard.

BloodyScout I think it's very meta dependent (Koskun Falls), worth adding to the maybeboard for sure. I am not a fan of Head Games but I did add a discard section in the maybeboard and it fits perfectly the theme.

diogo1943 Zoetic Cavern acts as ramp if you couple it with Gemstone Caverns, Ancient Tomb or Peat Bog. For example suppose your opening hand has 5 swamps, Zoetic Cavern and Ancient Tomb. Turn 1: play swamp. Turn 2: play Ancient Tomb and pay 3 mana to play Zoetic Cavern as a morph creature. Turn 3: play a swamp and pay 2 mana to turn your Zoetic Cavern into a land. Turn 4: play a swamp, now you have enough mana for Belz :)

July 2, 2020 10:26 a.m.