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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



You may play a card you own from outside the game this turn.

legendofa on Using shrazarad

4 months ago

ChaosJester I think I'm missing a step with your Wish combo. You keep pulling the Shahrazad from the main game into the new subgame until the opponent decks out in the newest subgame? How are you winning the main game? Each subgame only affects the game is was created in.

ChaosJester on Using shrazarad

4 months ago

I have a shahrazad deck full of Wish cards. You play Shahrazad, then a subgame starts immediately. In the subgame, you play Wish and wish for the Shahrazad in your graveyard from the main game, etc. The wincon is decking out your opponent in the best case because at some point after 20 Subgames, there will be no cards to draw and they lose immediately.

sergiodelrio on The Best Deck Ever Made?

6 months ago

Seriously tho, Balaam__ is correct here.

"Gain control" does not mean what you think it means.

There are different ZONES in a magic game. One of them is the battlefield, another one is the stack. "Gain control" effects can only refer to objects in those zones (one exception: gaining control of another player ala Mindslaver)

An effect that COULD give access to your sideboard cards would have to be worded so that it includes the words "outside the game" (like Wish or Spawnsire of Ulamog). Cards do not naturally move inside or outside the game (or the sideboard) unless an effect specifacally states that and "outside the game" is also not a zone.

Permanents and "Permanent CARDS" are not the same. "Permanents" can specifically only refer to objects on the battlefield. In all other zones and in the sideboard those are "Permanent Cards" (Seed of Hope is one examle).

Under any circumstances, an effect that would bring a card from outside the game into the game would refer to the card as "(optional type specification like: Artifact, Permanent, blue, instant, Eldrazi) CARD" as seen in a Scryfall search here.

The way Brand is worded it can only (1) give you control of your own stuff on the battlefield (which in most cases is completely doing nothing), or (2) give you your stuff back that an opponent stole or got Donated or you exchanged with them (Spawnbroker and other cards could have done that), just like Balaam__ explained.

Don't you think a 1 mana spell that can slam any 15 cards on the table (or you can also cycle for , lol) would have been a format staple, or immediately banhammered???

"(am I the only one wondering why people don't use this more)?" - Yes, since it sadly does not work like that.

All I can tell you now is to not get discouraged by that. Happened to me before, happened to others before, prominently happened to MTG deckbuilding legend Patrick 'The Innovator' Chapin before (Link to StarCityGames article), and it will happen again. Move on, there are many other combos remaining to be found. Cheers!

ChaosJester on Shahrazad - Wish effects Interaction

1 year ago

Hey guys,

Shahrazad resolves in the main game and a subgame starts. Is it now possible to Burning Wish for a Shahrazad in the first subgame from the main game, then start a second subgame in which I Wish for the previous Shahrazad, and so on?

Thank you!

DreadKhan on Gift of Doom

2 years ago

If you're not running 4 of your combo pieces, you could run Wish and a copy of each (and some random stuff) in a Sideboard to have more access. There is also Burning Wish, but that can't find Pact for you, the card you need out first and thus might want more access to. With the high land count, maybe Raven's Crime? Maybe Geier Reach Sanitarium as a way to kickstart Anje again?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on As You Wish

2 years ago

This is a beauty, very good job! Garth feels like the perfect commander from a flavour perspective, because he basically lets you Wish for cards.

Tidespout Tyrant is another djinn you might consider. He can wipe the board with enough spells cast, and he can bounce some of your own djinn if any upkeep effect gets too dangerous.

DreadKhan on

2 years ago

With your piles of mana, have you thought about using a wishboard? Burning Wish can be a copy of any Sorcery you want for 1R, lots of key Sorceries here. There is also Wish, which is more mana, but can find literally any card that would be helpful. I don't know how tight your mana is when it comes to closing out games, so apologies if this obviously won't work.

Mousemke on Locket testing

2 years ago

hmm... i think Wish will do you a lot more good with a sideboard to pick from

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