Bear Cub

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bear Cub

Creature — Bear

EDH 4 / 2
Werebear feature for Bruin Blend

Yesterday on How does priority work with …

7 months ago

If a Wrath resolves, then all creatures die simultaneously. There won't be a time where your creatures are dead but your opponents' are still alive.

However, triggers from those creatures dying are put onto the stack in APNAP order and then resolve in reverse order, like with Hive Mind.

So if you cast the Wrath on your turn in a 4 player game, and each player controlled a Blood Artist and four Bear Cubs, your abilities would go on the stack first after everything dies (and you choose the targets as they're put on the stack). Then the next player in turn order does the same, then the next, and finally the last. Then the stack resolves in first-in, last-out order. So the last player in turn order resolves all their triggers, then the previous player, then the previous player, then finally you.

TijuanaBachelorParty on Vanilla is a Good Flavor

1 year ago

xram666 I'm straying away from tokens currently but that is an interesting build of the deck.

Bear Cub is also A+

xram666 on Vanilla is a Good Flavor

1 year ago

Would tokens be okay for the deck? If so, Call of the Conclave would be another Watchwolf.

And for cuteness I would switch Grizzly Bears to Bear Cub.

Raknulfr on If you could run any …

1 year ago

Uh, without a doubt Bear Cub because he is so freaking cute :3

I mean Ayula, Queen Among Bears is fine and I love her as well but who could resist the Bear Cub?

Rhadamanthus on Interaction between Orvar, the All-Form …

2 years ago

It's just a regular un-animated Hall of Storm Giants. The basic explanation is that copy effects just copy what's written on the original, plus the results of any other copy effects applying to the original (e.g. copying a Clone pretending to be Bear Cub will make another Bear Cub). There are a few more nuances in the full explanation but they aren't relevant to the example here.

Niko9 on LOVEbears

2 years ago

Ha, yep : ) I mean, in every other way than "being a magic card" Bear Cub is strictly better than Skylasher. Art, better, flavor, way better, cuteness, so much, and being a bear, yep that too. But yeah, sometimes things do feel kinda pushed. When I played against a friend with a Questing Beast in their deck, they'd often forget about abilities. I feel like that's when there may be too many on a card : )

Also, sidenote, but Descendants' Path seems amazing in this deck. I love that you don't bears to just bears, you bears to effectively bears!

Niko9 on LOVEbears

2 years ago

Big thumbs up for Bear Cub Haven't seen that little guy in forever and he's such a goodie : )

Rhadamanthus on Weird Interaction at Prerelease

2 years ago

It's option B.

The basic explanation of how copy effects work is that they only copy what's written on the original. They don't take into account any other effect that would have changed any of those characteristics unless those changes were caused by another copy effect (for example, if you copy a Clone that copied a Bear Cub, you get another Bear Cub instead of another Clone).

In this example, that means Myriad creates 4/3 copies of Tiamat's Fanatics and their power gets doubled to 8.

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