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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Elemental

As Nyxathid enters the battlefield, choose an opponent.

Nyxathid gets -1/-1 for each card in the chosen player's hand.

GordonShumway on Torpor Horror

1 year ago

NonetheWeisser That’s not true. I played with this deck on MTGO and Nyxathid works fine with Torpor Orb.

It says “enters the battlefield, choose an opponent.” Orb kills ETB abilities.

NonetheWeisser on Torpor Horror

1 year ago

Nyxathid does not work with Torpor orb, as its power is decided in your hand before it hits the field.

Dead_Blue_ on Will this 7-rack be competitive?

2 years ago

Lilli really is a must in the deck, I’ve played a lot of 8Rack but not in the current meta as I’m just returning to magic but I’ve found the red version just not worth it. You’re still susceptible to enchantment hate& if you’re going to run red the Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace is pretty much the best reason to. Just echoing what has already been said, Funeral Charm is great, discard at instant speed that doubles at removal Is extremely powerful. I find there’s not really room in the deck for flavor cards but if you do want flavor Waste Not Bitterblossom or Nyxathid are excellent choices. Also you may want to trim Raven's Crime. It’s one of the best cards in the deck but multiples of it are useless and you absolutely have to run Dakmor Salvage with it as it completes the engine.

Drestlin on Hexproof ramp n pump

2 years ago

Thank you, i tried a few changes (without completely redesigning the deck) but i've gone against a way pricier black discard/The Rack Liliana's Caress Nyxathid Shrieking Affliction deck (which i have learned is an 8-rack?). I'm unsure if i want to really make a stompy (i don't want a bunch of tiny creatures to pump up, i like to have mainly thick ones...so maybe i'll just start over with something else (like a white green enchantment/creatures) deck?

Paxreseda on You are what you bury...

2 years ago

Etrata, the Silencer, Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur do nothing for mill and have no synergy with the rest of the deck. Nyxathid is based on opponent hand size & only Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur had any bearing on that. Lazav, the Multifarious only effects cards in your own graveyard and is legendary. Lastly, Xanathar, Guild Kingpin is cute, but has no synergy with other cards.

Jettison those and replace the ten creatures. Four Ruin Crab. Four Hedron Crab. Maybe a couple Maddening Cacophony.

Not sure how useful having single Cancel and Thought Collapse are. Memory Plunder would make better use of those non-creature spells that get milled.

ClockworkSwordfish on Are there any cards you …

2 years ago

Oh man, all the time with older cards. Cards from sets like Legends and The Dark have names, flavour text and art that make the latest sets look like Super Deck! by comparison, but often they... aren't quite there in terms of power level or functionality, ha ha. Most of the vanilla legends from Legends are the real mind-bogglers. You're showing off not one but TWO dramatic new mechanics - gold cards and legendary creatures - and you do so via... a vanilla 5/5 for seven? He really has no special abilities to his name?

Having said that, I think my pet card for underperforming is the beautiful, horrible Entropic Specter. It has the coolest art of any specter, among the coolest of any cards ever. But it is by its very nature self-defeating. A creature that is the size of the number of cards in your opponent's hand - which, by the time you can play a five mana creature, might only be one or two - will make itself SHRINK every time it nails him if it's also causing discards. Why print a five-mana rare that wants to do two different things at once? If it's performing in one arena, it's failing in the other, and the two really are mutually exclusive.

The easiest fix? Just make it like Nyxathid. It's a 7/7 that shrinks based on the number of cards your opponent's holding - but like any specter, it flies and makes him discard with every hit. You know, sort of like a reverse Sturmgeist. Or a more sensitive Guul Draz Specter. Simple! Elegant! Not confusing in terms of how to use it!

blakesmach1 on Dark Rack

3 years ago

Hey looks like a great updated list for the new year and sets! My only suggestion/thought what about Nyxathid over pack rat in the sideboard? A friend of mine made a similar inclusion and has had great success thus far but each circumstance is different. Best of luck

Apollo_Paladin on Death Deck

3 years ago

Low-mana deathtouch is an easy solve, and you can often get more than just that if you look hard enough.

Vampire of the Dire Moon springs to mind for certain, Knight of the Ebon Legion can be granted Deathtouch off his activated ability (and he's just generally pretty awesome overall for his mana cost), and then there's just general stuff like Typhoid Rats.

I would also trade out your 2x Nightveil Specter for 2 more Geralf's Messenger. Nightveil Specter is cool and all, but it doesn't really help you a ton in a Mono-Color deck where you can only cast Black spells to begin with. I get that you can possibly exile (and then play) opponent's land in order to help work around this, but it seems clunky whereas Geralf's has Undying and can then be combo'd with cards like Bone Splinters and Village Rites to help grant you some much-needed Control and Card Draw (every deck needs a little). Plus his Undying works well with the synergy of the pseudo-boardwipes you're running in Sorcery already.

Wurmcoil Engine is just too clunky here and could easily go. 6-mana cost and no way to reduce it, plus his other ability isn't that great compared to what you could just play with a different card in his slot. Plus you've only got the one so it's very hit or miss now as it stands anyway. You don't even really need his Lifelink since you've already got 4x Vampire Nighthawk in there (always a solid call).

Squelching Leeches isn't that glamorous for its mana cost; even a 4-mana card like Dread Presence would help you a lot more. That, or this could be another good card to drop altogether in favor of something more mana-efficient.

Nyxathid I feel is just too unreliable for his mana cost too. He really needs to be paired into a Deck with Discard mechanics to ensure he's as powerful as possible. Card Draw is a fairly essential mechanic of any reliable deck (as I mentioned already), and so counting on the opponent having a small hand size with no means to ensure it yourself doesn't seem that great here. Also, he doesn't even have trample or lifelink or any other useful abilities to help make up for his unreliable pwr/tgh. (keep in mind his power/toughness updates constantly, so if an opponent can draw up to 8 or more cards, he dies outright - even if they end up having to discard back down to max. hand size after).

I would personally not add Dark Ritual here as it won't help you all that much without some card draw - you're better off just picking at most 2 creatures with 4 or more mana cost and cutting everything else down to 3 or less. For instance, Archfiend of Depravity is a completely solid card, but I'm not sure he's needed when you've already got 3x Phyrexian Obliterator in there with the potential to be even more devastating (and for less mana cost no less). Additionally, the Obliterator cannot make you sacrifice your own creatures, unlike the Archfiend. This adds to the benefit of having multiples in play and restricts your overall build less too.

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