Tangle Golem

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tangle Golem

Artifact Creature — Golem

Affinity for Forests (This spell costs (1) less to play for each Forest you control.)

Spisepinden on The Projects: Budget Urban Development

2 years ago

It's a damn shame this deck can't run Liquimetal Coating :P I love the theme!

As others have stated, the plan hinges on a fragile creature. Having Vines of Vastwood or Apostle's Blessing can be helpful, but if your Myr gets killed, it might be useful to have something like Evolution Charm to bring it back from the graveyard. You're probably not going to use the flying mode often, but being able to search for a land in a pinch is a great secondary option to keep it from being a completely dead card. The instant speed is nice as well.

Beyond that, a card like Nullmage Advocate might be a useful way to keep the land destruction going without relying on draws all the time. The cards you return to your opponent's hand won't matter since they have no mana to cast them, meaning they'll likely end back in the graveyard at your opponent's end step. And even if you're returning lands, the Advocate will happily flatten them over and over again, at no card disadvantage to you.

Other sources of destruction could come in the shape of Mwonvuli Acid-Moss and Conclave Naturalists, though the former might be a bit too slow while I could see the latter competing a bit with the Siege Wurm and Tangle Golem. There's something to be said about card destruction on legs, though.

Card drawing options are a bit far fetched for green, but if you're really desperate, Bonder's Ornament and Arcane Spyglass are probably your best options in case the game goes long.

On a final, sort of side-tangent note, even though I know the deck is mono green and almost certainly benefits from being able to ramp with a single color, I still feel that it would be a shame to not at least mention a card like Sanctum Gargoyle.

Happy deck brewing!

Balaam__ on The Projects: Budget Urban Development

2 years ago

Thanks Altoman. I’m still relatively new to Pauper as a format, so I’m in the process of learning the cardpool. You’re right about the fragility of the key card, of course, and I’m glad you pointed out Apostle's Blessing—I always forget that’s a common. Vines of Vastwood is great too, and I’ll add both to the Maybeboard until I determine how to adjust the maindeck. The deck performs reasonably well as is, owing to the breathing room gained by interfering with the opponent’s mana base, but I agree that if there’s an effective way to protect the core strategy then that’s the best course of action.

I will definitely consider replacing Siege Wurm with Tangle Golem (never saw that before, that’s a new card for me!). I haven’t had much issue ramping up to the wurm’s cmc, but the golem appears to be an all around improvement. Fading sounds kind of sketchy so I’ll pass on Blastoderm.

Many thanks for the overview, you’ve given me a lot of great suggestions here!

Altoman on The Projects: Budget Urban Development

2 years ago

What a nice deck. I love it. However I think it might be a little fragile. You rely heavily on a 1/1 and you don't have a way to remove anything that the opponent placed on the board.

You are tapping most of your creatures so you won't be able to use convoke from Siege Wurm. I suggest replacing it with Blastoderm or Tangle Golem or maybe go wild with Ulamog's Crusher. :P

A 1/1 is fragile. You have a pretty low mana curve and you are using mana creatures so you don't need 20 forest. I would remove 4 of them to add Vines of Vastwood and/or Apostle's Blessing.

GrimlockVIII on Canada's Great Ramp to Nowhere

2 years ago

Thundering Tanadon might be another payoff you can look into. He has the same stats as Tangle Golem but comes with a built-in Trample bonus and is less reliant on the amount of forests in play to be brought out early-game.

tumamaenmondongo on MeTa KiLlEr

4 years ago

Replace Nature's Lore for Sakura-Tribe Elder, bring at least 1x Krosan Tusker, cut at least 3x Wretched Gryff and 2x Tangle Golem for 2/3x Fierce Empath at least 1X Ulamog's Crusher and some mainboard Pulse of Murasa to retrieve STE and depletion lands, if you pack 4x pulses, you'll probably won't need the food lands, which can slow you down. Nissa's Pilgrimage and Arboreal Grazer are some cards to consider too, along Land Grant. Nissas nets you 3 cards, grazer ramps and stops aggro for a while and land grant is free. Chimeras seem a tad fragile,maybe you can use something like Blastoderm which is also retrievable with Pulse.

Altoman on Fat of the Land (Pauper Manlands)

4 years ago

I think you should add at least some creatures like Tangle Golem or Timbermaw Larva because i think you will lack damage for lethal. You need a lot of cards to get to 20 and nothing has trample.

Also Vastwood Zendikon and Wind Zendikon would be pretty good with this deck. Maybe add an Arbor Elf to spice it up.

itsbuzzi on Affinity?

5 years ago

Affinity by its correct term stands for the cards that reduce their cost for how many islands or forests, etc you have. (See Tangle Golem and Spire Golem). What affinity has changed to is simply the use of artifacts. I say this from the perspective of our opponents. I understand this is a different type of deck but when I turn one drop artifacts down my opponent goes oh he's playing Affinity. This is just another spin on the typical deck. Although it's not the standard use of affinity using the typical standard cards, because it still uses artifacts it isn't called anything else by anyone else I have played. Actually playing last Friday night (and getting 1st place) the consensus is that this deck is called: "Affinity?" and honestly that's perfect in my book. (That being said our player using the Jeskai Ascendancy combo deck has been called a Storm deck. I suppose both names are correct.) The game plan is definitely different but I still get low drop artifacts out and empty my hand just as quick but how the creatures get buffed are different; the synergy is just different. Ensoul Artifact and Tezzeret's Touch is still synergistic with the deck like I said it's just a different way to do it. I like this version because I find it's quicker than the standard Affinity deck and I needed speed to beat combo decks before they can go off. I just couldn't see myself playing Master of Etherium over Tezzeret's Touch because you would need 4-5 artifacts out that can swing when you play Master as opposed to Touch. that probably happens fairly frequently but my point just remains there are many ways to skin a cat. It may just be my meta but I haven't needed to deal with removal as much and when I do I can counter it fairly easily.

I have not had a problem with metalcraft except trying to use it turn one which is not the use for it here. Galvanic Blast is pretty much used to either close out the game, which by then should hit for 4, or hit a creature for 2 and kill their turn one Birds of Paradise. Shrapnel Blast is used similarly. My favorite play is hitting for 5 on turn 2, 10 on turn 3 (With either Touch or Shrapnel) and winning the next turn or sooner. Cranial Plating is just used to get another threat out. If for some reason my 5/5 creature does die or I want to swing for more, the equipment can just turn another cheerio into a threat. Also, very important here, you can attach Cranial Plating at instant speed for when they have an Ensnaring Bridge out. That has come in handy a few times.

Your deck including Ensoul Artifact is good but you failed to address the best removal in the format as you have said. Sure your artifacts have indestructible but that only stops one removal spell, Fatal Push but Abrupt Decay still hits the enchantment, Path to Exile still exiles your creature and Dismember still kills your creature. So it's a good deck but counterspells such as Stubborn Denial has worked out for me to counter these threats (not Abrupt Decay, honestly you can't really do anything against it if you play decks like these) as the opponent gets them. I do like the inclusion of the discard in black and that is most likely your way around the removal spells. I haven't touched black very often in this deck and although I want to I haven't found the need at this point but I still have the ability to. I like the sideboard consisting of more artifact targets to enchant or sacrifice. Important: the main card against any Affinity deck is Stony Silence and from the use of either my deck or yours (not including equipment, side them out) Nothing gets hit by silence.

I really like the modern gobots deck. It seems like a fun playstyle and I have not thought about putting together goblins with cherrios. It seems like a fast play, much of what I am trying to accomplish here. I'll stick to mine for now but I very much like the idea.

I was interested in your other deck at first simply because Ensoul Artifact was the featured card. My idea for unprivatizing my deck was to just show you this because I thought we could share ideas. This is not to say you couldn't run Ensoul Artifact in your sideboard or I couldn't run Alpine Moon. I thought its inclusion was very interesting. I also liked your manabase. I have to run different cards because I don't run as many artifacts like Ghirapur AEther Grid isn't as good for me but perhaps you may like adding Phyrexian Revoker. I also just feel in love with the card Torpor Orb and I see you may have already gotten a ton of usefulness out of it.

In conclusion I just liked to share my idea. Sure we run similar cards and the playstyle is definitely different but we could learn a little by getting out of the box and see your cards and you mine. I wish to keep these comments but because this is the deck I run I wish to privatize it again. If you want you can copy it before I do so.

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