Where's the Razer in all this chocolate?

Commander / EDH Pocketmouse


Cards shipped! —March 20, 2017

After updating earlier today, I went to check the mail. All 5 cards shipped! I added all 5 cards (listed below) and immediately left to playtest the deck at a friends who was building a Kaalia of the Vast deck. The deck is working much better now. It is a lot quicker and enjoyable to play (however I do plan on adding more cards).

Cards Removed: Scatter to the Winds, Void Shatter, Decree of Pain, Fog Bank, and In Garruk's Wake.

Cards Added: Library of Leng, Megrim, Underworld Dreams, Spellbook, and Mind Over Matter.

Alxmhn1 says... #1

Need to fix that Mana, brother. Only thing I can think of would be to remove your counterspell and add in some targeted removal; unsummon, griptide, murder, etc. Your deck can fend for itself for the most part but cards that replace the draw effect will just completely break that deck (like Aazami's familiar).

March 19, 2017 8:46 p.m.