UG Poison Aggro-Combo Brew

Modern 326


RamblinMan says... #1

Dryad Arbor might be good to fetch up in case of Liliana sac effects and the like. Plus, a lot of decks tend to be even more suicidal than usual against infect, thinking they can just not care about their life total, and you can surprise them by actually getting in those 10 or 11 points of damage with the arbor. It's a plan B, but potentially worth including.

May 9, 2016 7:36 a.m.

326 says... #2

I don't run Arbor in the current build meta but occasionally stick one in the main. I don't think Liliana is that relevant a reason to include Arbor tbh, but being able to turn a fetch into a 1/1 beater is great in some matchups.

May 9, 2016 9:21 a.m.

Keleviel says... #3

Hey, another UG infect! I have one, too, albeit more budget.

I don't know how good Serum Visions actually is. It's one mana less you're spending on turning someone into a walking disease. With Gitaxian Probe you are at least able to pay life. I would recommend Aqueous Form. Unblockable, which is always good, and scry every attack, which helps card draw fixing. I'd also suggest putting more Rancor cards in and removing all but one Become Immense. Delve can only really go off once in this deck before you're out of a graveyard to exile, at which point it becomes super expensive and you're not running a whole lot of lands, and Rancor sticks around.

But your deck has given me a better idea on how to improve mine (put in more pumps and less unblockable-makers) so thanks!

May 12, 2016 2:47 p.m.

326 says... #4

Infect is, at it's core, a combo deck. You seek to assemble the combination of a creature with Infect, pump spells and something to protect the creature with. Cantrips such as Serum Visions and Sleight of Hand help with finding whatever it is that you're lacking.

If I would get perfect hands every single time and draw everything that I wanted, I obviously wouldn't run Visions, but that's not the reality we live in. It's also just something to play on t1 if you don't have anything else. It's not a must-include but definitely worth playing.

Distortion Strike is definitely better than Aqueous Form. You very rarely need more than one or two unblockable attacks to kill your opponent. The scry, while somewhat relevant, really isn't that much of a plus (since it's so slow), and the +1/+0 from DStrike is really, really good.

Every Infect creature in the deck is a 1/1 and all the pumps give even amounts of pump (+2/+2, +4/+4, +6/+6). The +1/+0 makes +8/+8 lethal, for an example, or +6/+6 on the second attack. Slip Through Space is superior because it draws a card.

Rancor is a decent card, but very slow compared to the other pumps. I run one because it serves as pseudo-evasion while still working as a pump spell. Not going to the graveyard when it resolves is kinda bad since I really want fod for Delve, but since I'm running a Slip instead of a second Distortion Strike, i feel like a third source of evasion is good to have, as Slip isn't as reliable as DStrike.

Rancor is just a way to have a certain amount of evasion and pump spells in the deck without cutting any creatures, lands or other imporant cards - I don't want to commit a slot to a third source of evasion since that can sometimes lead to slow hands.

3x Become Immense is totally fine in the deck. I've been going back and forth between 3 and 4 copies but went down to 3 after adding some Groundswells. You really don't care about being able to cast Become Immense for just one Green mana at all after the first one - if the first one connects, your opponent is very likely dead or extremely close to dead. Besides, it's not like you draw 2 that often or that the second one is always uncastable - you often end up casting BeImmense for 2-3 mana and the deck feeds Delve extremely well.

Thanks for your comment, though!

May 12, 2016 4:11 p.m.

Konjiikhan says... #5

Wild Defiance for when the game goes longer than anticipated. or any play oppenant might do to slow yours down.

May 19, 2016 3:43 p.m.

326 says... #6

I already run 1-2 copies of Defiance in the sideboard for the control matchups (and pretty much any deck with Lightning Bolts and similar effects). It's generally too slow for maindeck, though it can be a fine metacall as a 1-of or 2-of, but I currently don't really see a reason to run it in the main.

May 19, 2016 6:37 p.m.

HankyMueller says... #7

I personally love Wild Defiance in infect, so many decks in modern running things like Lightning Bolt and Electrolyze. 1 in mainddeck seems great.

June 6, 2016 10:12 a.m.

326 says... #8

The thing with Defiance is that while it's great against a good amount of decks in the format, it's also very clunky against some other decks and can be quite bad in a direct race. It also somewhat suffers from Remands and Mana Leak in g1, since those generally get sideboarded out to some extent against Infect, which in turn makes Defiance awkward at times.

I agree that Defiance is really good against some decks and would run a singleton in the maindeck in a certain metagame, but I generally prefer to just keep the maindeck as streamlined.

June 6, 2016 11:30 a.m.

luke1 says... #9

Standard infect deck. The tiny changes you can make are just adaptations to the meta.

June 21, 2016 8:28 a.m.

Seems solid too!

Peek doesn't seem great. I get you want to make sure the coast is clear, but a card like Twisted Image is much better in my opinion. It kills Skites, Hierarchs, Birds, Wall of Omens, and any other 0 power creature.

Scrying seems a bit weird out of the side. Finding Arbor, Pendelhaven, and Nexus is a nice package, but a bit mana intensive for me. I like it however, and would love some more reasoning about it! Seems like a card I'd love to play.

I think your deck is much more based around pounding in as early as possible with your Elfs and friends, while mine is a bit more controlly and is able to counter and protect my Agent/Nexus while it smacks the opponent for 10-12 infect. I think my deck basically uses G Elf as a lightning rod, for Turn 2 wins, and because it's another infect dude.

June 24, 2016 1:30 p.m.

326 says... #11

Yeah, I'm not sold on Peek, but it's something that I've wanted to test for a while just to make sure that I know how good it is or isn't. Twisted Image very rarely actually kills things in g1 (in my local meta, anyway) - if I maindeck it, I so do to spare sideboard slots. But yeah, I generally agree that Peek should be a Twisted Image or whatever, it's just something that I'm testing out for a couple of tournaments for shits and giggles.

Scrying helps quite a bit on the draw against Jund/UWR etc., against which you generally want to either ping your opponent to death while holding up multiple sources of protection or take a couple of turns to bait our their removal with Elves and whatnot and setup a kill with a Nexus. It's kinda slow but quite good when you can't go for the fast kills anyway and have to grind it out. Just having the 13th Infect creature is good in some matchups as well, and I think Nexus is the best one (excluding Nexus/Elf/Agent). I've sometimes played Carrion Call in the slot, though the lack of evasion really hurts against BGx and similar decks, and sometimes I don't have the 13th Infect creature in the deck.

June 24, 2016 1:48 p.m.

Woopsah says... #12

+1 might of old krosa -1 groundswell+1 apostle's blessing, +1 distortion strike -2 rancor

I also highly recommend kitchen finks in the sb against things like burn and any aggro. Also works great vs 3color decks that shock themselves hard.VS jund for example they want to disrupt your hand from creatures and leave you with nothing while they shock themselves hard. WIth 4x kitchen finks you have 4 more creatures to kill them and since they shock themselves to like 12-13 on t2 you need as much dmg as with infect.

Might is just the best pumpspell atm,thats why you should pick it over groundswell (you always have a main phase, not always a landdrop)

Switching from trample to unblockable (apostle's can do that as well) makes sure all the dmg comes through, and your guy survives.

June 28, 2016 6:20 a.m.

326 says... #13

I'm aware of Finks as a sb option, it's just totally unnecessary in our local meta - there are only a couple of burn players that I've never lost to anyway.

Groundswell is superior against Bolt decks. I used to run four Mights but 3+3 works way better atm. I also firmly believe that Become Immense is the best pump spell by far.

I used to run 1x Rancor, 1x Distortion Strike, 1x Slip through Space, but I always felt like Strike and Slip were wasted slots. Strike is essentially a dead card in most games. I'm not entirely sold on the 2x Rancor 0x Slip/Strike configuration but it's working really well in our meta.

Adding more protection spells wouldn't really make sense - I'm already running more than most anyway. I might cut a Skite for one at some point, but against Bolt decks (which are very prevalent in our meta) Skite is almost required.

June 28, 2016 7:17 a.m.

Woopsah says... #14

I disagree on a lot of points. But that is what makes this game fun.

Finks are good against anything with lots of removal. It's a 2 for 1

You did put a lot of thought into it so you know what you are talking about! Goodluck!

June 28, 2016 1:49 p.m.

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