The Rose and her Thorns

Commander / EDH HelltotheHeavens


Hour of Devastation and Amonkhet —July 18, 2017

I pulled a Combat Celebrant and Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh so I threw them in. The celebrant is on the chopping block if he doesn't perform, so we will see.

Entrei says... #1

ok, first off you need mikaeus the unhallowed, as whenever your stuff dies with him out, they come back at the end step, and a way to give both of them indestructible/hexproof

October 14, 2016 11:23 p.m.

Mike is out of my budget for the moment, $20 on one card is a little crazy for me. If I do get him, I will take out Ob.

October 15, 2016 11:11 a.m.

GS10 says... #3

Ob is actually pretty good. I'd take off Flame-Wreathed Phoenix. I also had her in my first list, but eventually it got cut for better things. But I'm not thinking of the mana curve, so there might be other important factors to consider before that 1 for 1 trade.

Also, if you end up getting Mike, Triskelion must come with him for the occasional infinite combo. I don't run either because Mike is expensive and Marchesa isn't currently my most played deck, but they're both on my upgrades list for the future!

How are you doing at enabling dethrone? Maybe some cards like Treasonous Ogre, Greed and even Fire Covenant would be good additions to help with that. At least in my tables usually people stop attacking me once I'm the player with most life to avoid helping me get off the throne, and build up until they can one-shot me, while I just play creatures which don't bring me considerable value without any counters on them.

Also, I run Glen Elendra Archmage and Mausoleum Wanderer which are great to help controlling the match to your favour. The Wanderer with incremental +1/+1 counters is an incredible overperformer!

Check out my deck if you want to get any other insights or budget-ish ideas for potential improvements!

Persistent Traitors

Commander / EDH GS10


The deck looks great though! +1 given ;)

October 18, 2016 7:16 p.m.