Slaughter Games: The Movie

Standard Khaotica


Deck Tex'n'Mex —Jan. 22, 2014


Mogis, God of Slaughter - Constant burn/sac makes opponents cry. He's also a finisher if I can get enough devotion up.

Stormbreath Dragon - Used in so many decks for so many reasons, this is the main game ending creature in the deck due to his strong monstrous ability, and being a powerful flyer to finish off the opponent.

Underworld Connections - One of the best cards, great constant draw power.

Whip of Erebos - One is all I need, for making Stormbreath even more useful.

Devour Flesh - Gets around those pesky hexproof or indestructible creatures.

Hero's Downfall - The ultimate Murder, do I need to explain?

Lightning Strike - More removal, good burn.

Anger of the Gods - More great way to get around hexproof, also acts as a mini wrath.

Dreadbore - Better than Doomblade for this deck. One of my favourites.

Rakdos's Return - Main win-con. Utterly killer card, so much damage and discard potential.

Slaughter Games - Very underrated card. Stops all the things you know your opponent runs that are difficult for you to answer, and can't be countered.

Thoughtseize - Goodbye starting hands keeper, goodbye late game greats.

Gh0stPr0digy says... #1

nice deck +1

i actually came up with something similar Mogis Cruel Control

January 17, 2014 8:28 p.m.