Self Denial

Modern ToolmasterOfBrainerd


List complete! Woo! for the primer —July 12, 2015

I am very happy with this deck and only have 3 more cards to trade for before I have it sitting on my desk in front of me. The final 3 cards are 2 Batterskull and 1 Spellskite.

But the primer is pathetically out of date. I haven't had any time to work on it so it will probably stay that way for quite awhile. In the mean time I'll post my tournament results now that it is tournament ready. Yay!

Thanks everyone who contributed, you are all fantastic people. Give yourselves a pat on the back. You deserve it.

I'm not sure I agree about Dispel against Jund. Their biggest problem card for me is Liliana of the Veil. Also, Abrupt Decay is uncounterable.

Burn is an easy matchup. No Dispel necessary, I don't think.

Right now I have 4 open card slots in the sideboard. Between them, I need some way to shift towards aggro, but also some late game value. I need something like Sword of Light and Shadow, but it dies to both Kolaghan's Command and Abrupt Decay. Running 2 swords and 2 Monastery Swiftspear would be ideal, but the swords are too fragile. Uggh. They're just so perfect for what I want, though.

Any ideas for how to fill those spots? I'm looking for some way to speed up the deck for the combo matchups and some way to have a better midrange.

June 28, 2015 7:15 p.m.

wolfging says... #2

Depending on when you sideboard in your Batterskull Rakdos Ragemutt might be a nice way to put on some heat and gain some life. It doesn't pass the bolt-test, sadly, but you can't beat the pricetag!

June 30, 2015 6:49 p.m.

Thanks for the comment!

Unfortunately he doesn't quite handle the abzan and June creatures very well, but you're right about the price tag!

In my mind, my sideboard has 3 general plans. For aggro decks I usually side in, dependent on the deck, Spellskite and Pyroclasm. For control and combo I out my Vampire Nighthawk and side in Monastery Swiftspear and Batterskull for control. For midrange I side pretty much everything, including Batterskull. So Rakdos Ragemutt would have to stand up to both control and midrange! which is where the bolt test becomes critical. Batterskull can also dodge which helps a ton.

Thanks for the suggestion though! It definitely a great budget option!

July 1, 2015 11:20 p.m.