I Drink Your Milkshake

Standard Argy


Bombed out at FNM 1-6-0 —Nov. 3, 2017

Had a really bad night at FNM.

Draws went against me all night. I only played against decks that were tough for mine to beat. Made a really costly mistake which lost me the first game I played.

I was REALLY tired. Probably shouldn't have played.

Venue was back at my usual LGS. Didn't really enjoy the people - one of them freaked out at me because I said we were about to play a mirror match. Didn't like me saying his deck was Control.

You run Opt, Censor, Essence Scatter, Negate, Disallow, Glimmer of Genius, and Torrential Gearhulk - your deck is Control, buddy.

Only eight people turned up to play. We had almost double that last time I was there, a fortnight ago.

Don't think I'll be playing FNM there for a while.

clayperce says... #1

CONGRATS on your Standard Showdown! So sweet!

November 2, 2017 10:08 a.m.

Argy says... #2

clayperce cheers, mate.


I cracked a foil Rebecca Guay Swamp, which went straight in the deck.

November 2, 2017 10:15 a.m.