You Know What They Say, Persistence Is Key

Modern keizerbuns


-1 Kitchen Finks, +1 Rhythm of the Wild —Dec. 10, 2022

After some more play testing I've found that only having 8 cards that can remove the -1/-1 counters put on the Persist creatures (4 of which only work on my turn: Thran Vigil) isn't quite enough and I need a little more consistency in that area. I have more than enough Persist creatures to pull off the infinite combo, so I've decided to take out 1 Kitchen Finks and add in 1 Rhythm of the Wild to bring the amount of -1/-1 counter removal cards up to 9 while keeping the average CMC the same.

Batman18 says... #1

Pretty Neat Check out my Solemnity deck

November 20, 2022 1:06 a.m.

keizerbuns says... #2

Thanks Batman18! Pretty neat deck you got there yourself

November 20, 2022 1:51 a.m.

jags says... #3

enter link description here

This is my take on it This is a good one I went just WB for mine make it more consistent with mana and that turn 4 win comes a lot more often now I ment with mill,damage or life gain so the options are way easier to hit one of those three

November 25, 2022 5:47 a.m.

keizerbuns says... #4

I actually saw your deck a little while ago and I thought it was awesome! Your deck is probably what subconsciously gave me the idea for mine haha.

I know dropping red would probably make the deck a little more consistent, but I think splashing an additional color to get a 2 cost payoff with Goblin Bombardment over using using a 3 cost payoff like Blasting Station has been worth it. I very rarely end up with no red source mana when I have bombardment in my hand.

I like your idea of using Kitchen Finks as a third wincon so I might actually drop the Safehold Elite for it, but I’m just a little hesitant to increase the average cmc. I’ll do some play testing with Finks though and see how much better the deck runs with it.

Thanks for the upvote and the idea, jags, it’s much appreciated!

November 25, 2022 4:30 p.m. Edited.

keizerbuns says... #5

Idk if you wanted an update on how the play testing was going, jags, but in case you were, here are the results.

I did some play testing the other day, both with and without Finks in the deck, and I’ve realized just how much better the deck runs with a lower average CMC (obvious in hindsight lol). I play tested a total of 70 times (35 with Kitchen Finks in place of Safehold Elite and 35 without) and recorded the results.

A good 80-90% of the time I won with either Bombardment or with Altar but I did end up using Finks almost as much as I did Putrid Goblin as the persist creature used to pull off the combo. So Finks was actually a part of the game winning combo and/or was in itself the game winning combo piece about 40-45% of the time, which was way higher than I was expecting.

I was hesitant to replace Safehold Elite with Kitchen Finks because I didn’t want to raise the average CMC of the deck, but turns out I didn’t have to. After all of that play testing I realized just how useless Murderous Redcap was in my deck. Redcap only won 4 out of the 75 games played because he was just too hard to cast reliably on turn 4. So I took out all copies and replaced them with Finks and the deck is running a lot smoother now.

So thanks for the Kitchen Finks suggestion, it actually improved the deck a lot!

November 28, 2022 7:11 p.m.

jags says... #6

keizerbuns hell yeah I appreciate it and I did the same haha

November 28, 2022 10:07 p.m.