The Most Painful Form of Mill

Modern* Wurmlover


WolverineSR_71 says... #1

Ah. I was confused. That is an interesting idea. +1

January 13, 2017 7:33 p.m.

Wurmlover says... #2

aholder7, why would I need to add pyrite spellbomb? is it absolutely necessary? I was also thinking that Blue Sun's Zenith isn't necessary, since I can draw my whole deck with the combo itself

January 14, 2017 8:54 a.m. Edited.

aholder7 says... #3

you don't need to add pyrite. i originally was tempted to make it even more convoluted by adding in Eternal Witness. but you needed to kill it to get it back with Faith's Reward, so you needed pyrite to do that. also if you can draw infinitely with combo out, then no blue sun is not necessary. however they are both actual win cons on their own usually. but strictly speaking the only two cards you need to add main board for the combo i mentioned are Glittering Wish and Prismatic Omen (because wish can't grab omen). as for the sideboard you only need 1 of each creature you want to use. to conserve space you could just use Transguild Courier as a 1 of. 2 if youre worried they'll use Path to Exile.

if you want several creatures though and you want them to have hexproof/shroud to avoid the accidental removal of your stuff. Slippery Bogle, Naya Hushblade, Xathrid Slyblade together get you all 5 colors along with hexproof.

or you can go with 1 each of the creatures i mentioned before for dumb levels of pointlessness.

each of these options has their merits.

January 15, 2017 1:57 a.m.

Faith_Mender says... #4

This is the single best eggs thread ive ever seen. Im a pretty new eggs player would either of you want to give me some tips?

January 15, 2017 5:21 a.m.

Wurmlover says... #5

aholder7, you do realize that glittering wish removes itself from the game, right? considering that, would Research be an option?

January 15, 2017 10:24 a.m.

aholder7 says... #6

yeah. i was originally working on another deck that only used it once so i forgot about that. but if you go for Transguild Courier and Coalition Victory you can just have 2 wishes. or Research works well since you can grab both of them at once. but i assumed the combo wanted to be conviluted so i'd say multiple glittering wish.

for ease id go with Research. my bad about the exile effect.

January 15, 2017 10:46 a.m.

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