Muldrotha Lands EDH

Commander / EDH Amberzenn


PUNCHINGTON says... #1

I really like the deck! I've been looking at yours and another's Muldrotha lands decks for some inspiration, and it's just about there. How has Ob Nixilis worked for you btw? I'm thinking of adding him and Multani in, one as a multi-land drop closer, and the other as massive sac effects for Jarad.

November 8, 2018 2:41 a.m.

Amberzenn says... #2

Thanks! I find Ob Nix to be pretty useful, it can be deadly if you already have a Crucible + Azusa and fetches or a Scapeshift late game, but he usually has a pretty big target on him the second he hits the board and rarely survives if I'm not comboing off with him that turn. I personally find Hedron Crab to be the better mass landfall kill usually because it has early game utility in milling yourself for things to recur later, and people generally don't take it as seriously (until their entire deck gets milled out of nowhere).

Multani is a recent inclusion that I haven't actually got to resolve in a game yet - i took out Avenger Of Zendikar as I found I just wasn't doing enough with the tokens to have it as the top end of the deck, and I can see Multani being useful as a late game hard to remove threat with evasion along the same lines as Marit Lage. And the flavour of having Muldrotha's parent in the deck doesn't hurt either!

November 8, 2018 7:09 p.m.

kpres says... #3

Man, this deck looks great!

April 24, 2020 10:12 a.m.

PUNCHINGTON says... #4

Curious on your thoughts about:

Parcelbeast, Fiend Artisan, Titans' Nest

Of the three I think Titan's Nest may be very impactful for a fast start in the deck. Parcelbeast fulfills a roll similar to a recurring Coiling Oracle or Risen Reef. but can be activated more than once. And Fiend Artisan is modular enough to consider. With many creatures in land Muldrotha builds holding a low cmc, pod effects can often run out of gas, but Artisan allows us to turn our Eternal Witness into a Lotus Cobra and so on. I'm testing these in my list at the moment and taking out the stax like Mana Breach.

April 25, 2020 12:31 a.m.

Amberzenn says... #5


Titans Nest is a very tempting include for the acceleration, personally i don't see it as being ideal for this deck because I don't own a lot of the off colour fetches to make sure I have some early game graveyard fuel for it, but I will still give it a test anyway when I can pick up a copy.

Parcelbeast actually seems quite interesting if what I understand about mutate is right and you can cast it for it's mutate cost with Muldrotha? Not swinging with a lot of my creatures anyway so being able to mutate that onto them seems very useful. Definitely worth a test. I haven't tried playing pod effects in this deck so I'm unsure on Fiend Artisan.

Unfortunately don't have this deck on MTGO so can't play it due to current circumstances - once I can I'll definitely test this!

April 25, 2020 5:47 a.m.

PUNCHINGTON says... #6


You can cast cards for their mutate cost with Muldrotha's ability. I like doubling down on repeatable effects, and the beast let's Muldrotha become a ramp/draw engine.

April 25, 2020 6:29 a.m.

PUNCHINGTON says... #7

Thought's on using Thrasios, Triton Hero in the deck?

August 19, 2020 10:15 p.m.

Amberzenn says... #8

Could see Thrasios being an amazing mana sink, ramp and draw engine for the deck - don't think I would add it personally mostly because this deck is at the point where I have to cut pet cards I love to add anything new outside the land slots sadly.

August 20, 2020 12:55 a.m.

PUNCHINGTON says... #9

Fair enough. Also curious about possibly adding in Intuition to the deck, replacing Demonic Tutor. It costs one more and you let your opponent choose, but with Muldrotha you've basically tutored once and entombed twice.

August 20, 2020 4:17 p.m.

Amberzenn says... #10

Intuition would be an auto-include if I had one, sadly don't.

I dream of the day I get to put Gifts Ungiven in this deck, though im not holding my breath on it getting unbanned any time soon.

August 20, 2020 9:06 p.m.

djpattiecake says... #11

ever think of replacing growth spiral with coiling oracle?

permanent for muldrotha double triggers with yarok

-not instant like spiral -doesnt let you put land from hand only top

I have a similar deck and cant decide between the two. Tempted to make room for both for early ramp, but maybe coiling oracle cant be trusted as pure ramp, whereas a growth spiral in opening hand is often going to get you to 3 mana at the end of turn 2

September 3, 2020 1:59 p.m.

Amberzenn says... #12

Honestly I consider Coiling Oracle a better choice, I would also include Parcelbeast as a similar effect. Also Thrasios, Triton Hero for a similar effect and the added amazing mana sink. I have Growth Spiral in this deck 100% because I adore the art and have a promo version.

Sometimes you just have to play your pet card over better choices!

September 4, 2020 8:24 a.m.

Tyko27 says... #13

I absolutely love your deck. Truth is that I am planning to copy it myself, with only some minor changes. it really has everything I dream of in a land matters deck.

Only thing I'd suggest is Ashaya, turning every creature into a landfall trigger is too good to pass up imo. Unless your playground is heavy into Armageddon, strip mine recursion.

Really really love this deck

January 22, 2021 12:58 p.m.

ElPanchoGato says... #14

Have you thought of running any of the new channel lands from neon dynasty like Boseiju, Who Endures? It seems cool to get back to hand repeatedly with something like life from the loam.

February 23, 2022 4:30 p.m.

Amberzenn says... #15

I really like the channel lands - I will definitely run Boseiju, Who Endures once I can get my hands on one.

The blue and black lands seem like good value as well, but I don't think they get in mostly because their effects are not powerful enough to justify cutting the amount of fetchable lands in the deck.

February 23, 2022 11:42 p.m.

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