I Drink Your Milkshake

Standard Argy


3rd Place at Standard Showdown 3-4-0 —Nov. 16, 2017

2-0 Dinos

This guy was a joy to play.

He had brewed his own deck. While it wasn't strong enough against mine, it WAS interesting.

I got the upper hand both times in the mid game, and then it was just a matter of time before I ground him down with Torrential Gearhulk.

We went to turns on our second game, as the first one had been so grindy.

He got rid of my Torrential Gearhulk at the start of my last turn, with Abrade, while I was tapped out. I had The Scarab God on the field, and he was on 10 life.

I had eight mana.

What I did was used The Scarab God to copy two of his Creatures with Haste from his graveyard, then hit with them and The Scarab God for 13 points of damage.

Classic Argy.

1-2 Energy

I played brilliantly in the first game.

He had a Rogue Refiner that resolved early, and I had nothing to remove it, so he eventually got me down to 3 life.

I was able to finally get a Fatal Push in hand, sac Field of Ruin, and Push the Rogue Refiner.

I had two Torrential Gearhulk in hand.

I had a Disallow and Essence Scatter in my graveyard, and a Disallow in hand.

I was able to cast a Torrential Gearhulk to Essence Scatter a Creature. He tried to Abrade it, but I protected it by casting Disallow.

I hit him with it a couple of times.

He tried to Abrade it again, but then I cast my second Torrential Gearhulk, flashing back Disallow.

A couple more hits, and that was game.

I then went low in blood sugar, and the game got paused while I drank some Coke. I am a type 1 diabetic.

In our second game I made a REALLY stupid play. I had a Fatal Push in hand that I should've used on his Servant of the Conduit.

I didn't, he got out Bristling Hydra with the Servant of the Conduit on Turn 3, and he had enough to ensure that he could make it Hexproof at any time.

I was still recovering a bit from the drop in blood sugar, I think.

I Sided in Doomfall.

It came to hand when he had a Rogue Refiner and a Bristling Hydra on the field.

I drew a second Doomfall, so I used one, and he sacced the Rogue Refiner.

Before I could use the other one, on my next Turn, he hit me with the Bristling Hydra and pumped it up enough for lethal.

REALLY unpleasant fellow to play against.

He ended up winning the night and was that smug about it.

Glad I took a game from him.

0-2 Ramunap

This guy had perfect draw in the first game. Exactly on curve, and he overran me before I could shut his Creatures down.

In the second game I mulliganed to five, and just didn't get many 1 and 2 drops within my first couple of draws.

He ended up coming second.

My partner StuBi thrashed him 2-0, which I was happy about. He acts like he's god if he tops the score board.

There were four of us tied for third place.

I took it out due to the game win percentage.

I guess that the other players must have been beaten 0-2 in the matches they lost, whereas I was 1-2 in one of them.

I need to work out a Sideboard against Energy as I keep playing that deck, and haven't done some real work on what to Sideboard against it.

Search for Azcanta  Flip worked well to help me smooth out my draw, particularly in the first game against