Darien, King of Kjeldor Token/Lifegain EDH

Commander / EDH hyped1221

SCORE: 160 | 86 COMMENTS | 20410 VIEWS | IN 56 FOLDERS

June 6, 2024

Quick Update - My playgroup has taken a break from organized play for quite a while now. I have maybe played this deck a few times over the last year. Updates and testing of new cards has not been happening. With that said we are starting up regular weekly game nights starting this month! In the meantime if anyone has found some fun new cards that have come out in the last year or so and you think it might be a good fit for Darien I am all ears. Appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to read this!

Also, almost 160 upvotes and over 20k views. Holy moly! I remember first posting this decklist being super nervous that it would get ripped apart as I was a new player at the time. The community was (and still is) so nice and offered lots of great advice. All of which have helped shape the deck into what it is today. Thank you so much everyone! I look forward to continue to discuss, play test, and upgrade this deck for many years to come.

milohenry13 says... #6

My Mono-White deck seriously slaps!! Plains Walkers

Lemme know what you think!

September 20, 2022 12:12 p.m.

Archas says... #7

Hey great deck. Thanks to this deck I made my Darien deck. And I haven't testet It yet. I was curious what you think about the new staff. From phyrexia all sill be one. Don't get the link to work. staff of completion

July 2, 2023 1:28 a.m.

hyped1221 says... #8

Archas - Thanks for the kind words. As far as Staff of Compleation goes I think it's alright. It would be absolutely top tier if it did damage when you tapped it. But the fact that you just pay life to do its activated ability makes it much less desirable. With that said I don't think it would be bad in the deck at all and would be playable for sure. So if you have one and want to try it out I say go for it! You could do much worse.

July 11, 2023 3:11 p.m.

Dumannios says... #9

Love the list! Seeing a lot of similarities with my own Darien. He was the second commander I ever built, and a deck I know I will never take apart. I've gotten some funny results using Blood of the Martyr recently and I don't see many Darien decks running it. If you haven't checked it out yet I definitely recommend you give it a shot!

October 30, 2023 9:58 a.m.

hyped1221 says... #10

Dumannios - Thanks for the kind words! Also, great list and primer on your end!

I love that card! I did not realize I took that off of my Maybeboard. But then I remembered that it is in my budget deck that I have sleeved up and play occasionally too (I need to revisit that deck and make some tweaks now that I think of it). I ran BooM in my main list for the decks first few years. I agree it is a total sleeper. It got to the point where if I left three white mana open my playgroup got very suspicious and careful. Basically never had to worry about Blasphemous Act! It has been a while since it was in my main deck so it might be time to bring it back for a bit. Thanks for the recommendation!

October 30, 2023 2:21 p.m.