Best value in town, Meren EDH

Commander / EDH* Wickked


More changes over last couple of weeks —Dec. 16, 2016

A friend of mine has decided to sell a bunch of cards that he owns and gave me a nice discount on some staples. I've raised the cmc even more with these changes. It's starting to get a bit ridiculous honestly and I'm prolly going to include Wood Elves and Farhaven Elf back in to help with this.

-1 Whisperwood Elemental +1Wurmcoil Engine Whisperwood was always good to bring fodder to the board. It was also a good to have on board when the board wipes were coming. But I'm always experimenting and its time has come to be cut for now. Wurmcoil is a very powerful creature that is a true force on any battlefield.

-1 Polukranos, World Eater +1 Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger Polukranos was great at fighting off early agro decks. But his monstrous cost was a bit high. Vorinclex is another complete house of a card that I've been waiting to get my hands on. He does put a target on my head when he hits the ground but honestly my deck already does this.

-1Golgari Signet +1Sword of Feast and Famine SIgnet really shoulda been cut a long time ago for a creature ramp card. Feast and Famine is one of the most powerful equipments printed which brings unreal value