Bask in the Soul of Elements

Commander / EDH Enral


Updates —March 6, 2020

Possible changes:

JMCraig says... #1

Hey there, the deck looks like a lot of fun! without going too deep into cEDH territory, i have a few edits to make:


  • Arcane Denial - 2 CMC is already a bit much, but this one is actively beneficial to an opponent. i'd run almost any other 2CMC counter here, or whatever 1CMC option you can find.
  • Chord of Calling - just plain dislike this card. its a lot of mana whenever you'd want to cast it and we cant take great advantage of the inst-speed.
  • temur sabretooth - any line you could use with this guy would be too expensive and clunky to use.
  • Kiri package - kiri enables some cool stuff, but honestly I'm liking the Neoform a lot more especially if your manabase is basic-heavy, as yours is. you'll prob fund kiri really hard to use effectively. consider cutting.
  • 4 lands - I've had plenty o luck at 31.

Add (assuming a 75% meta)

  • better interaction - you should def add the missing 1CMC counters (fluster, dispel, misstep) and Force, if you have one. Even in more casual EDH you'll need to protect your plays from Wraths, or just counter opposing bombs.
  • sea gate oracle and raven familiar - both really sold casts that usually come donw for a single U mana and give you some card selection. cantrips like these are pretty core to making the deck work when it burns through its hand so fast. Fblthp is a good one too, and Mulldrifter is an obvious add.
  • eldritch evo - great tutor
  • Goblin Cratermaker - good flex slot if you have room. kills Torp and most of the dorks that hurt us worst.

Let me know what else you have in mind! knowing the other decks in your meta would be a big help too. Good luck!

June 25, 2019 12:26 a.m.

Enral says... #2

JMCraig Thank you so much for your suggestions. I think you're right about CoC and Kiri and including more protection and interaction. I'll definitely make the changes and incorporate your suggested cards. My meta consists of Jhoira (paradox/sceptor), Najeela (warrior tribal/combo), Muldrotha, Meren, and Karador if that helps. Definitely a lot of graveyard shenanigans.

June 25, 2019 8:28 a.m.

JMCraig says... #3

I really like the new Ouphe against artifact decks (stops Jhoira's Future+Top line, Aetherflux and rocks, obviously). For GY hate, ScoOze is usually my go-to, but the new Ravenous Slime is solid too, if you really need it. In either case, fetching your hate piece once youve baited the opponent into over-extending is key. let them outrun you in establishing their board, then slap down a hate piece and set up your win while they look for an answer. I like GSZ here specifically as a hate-tutor, since most of our hate cards are green, and it doesnt really fetch our combo pieces very effectively.

June 25, 2019 3:43 p.m.

Ryanh12 says... #4

Would Purphoros, God of the Forge be a good card to include in this deck (considering we can have infinite ETB triggers??)

June 30, 2019 3:29 p.m.

Enral says... #5

Ryanh12: Purphoros used to be in the deck as a finisher but is rendered obsolete with Walking Ballista .

July 1, 2019 8:15 a.m.