Shaman of forgotten ways is it ban worthy?

Spoilers, Rumors, and Speculation forum

Posted on March 3, 2015, 11:59 a.m. by fadelightningmm

So as I said above is the new green mythic ban worthy? I expect in edh that after a bit of time it will be banned thanks to the second ability. Biorhythm is banned having the same ability. However I believe that the conditions for activation of that ability may be steep enough to allow the card to work. Any thoughts?

Rhadamanthus says... #1

If you've set yourself up for a play requiring 17 mana and 3 very specific cards then you deserve to win.

May 26, 2015 10:01 a.m.

When I posted this it was sheer speculation based on hype. Now that I've had time to play with the card I feel the only way this would be a viable win is to have 14 mana and Concordant Crossroads on board when you drop it. As far as edh banning goes this would definitely surprise me as ban worthy especially with Deadeye Navigator still be legal

May 26, 2015 10:44 a.m.

Soul_Power says... #3

The shaman is of course one of a kind in EDH, but man lands are certainly not, "specific" and fit within the framework of almost any EDH deck you could build. I can also think of several cards other than Chord that allow you to put a creature from your library into play, it's probably green's best mechanic (or ability).

This Shaman just slots into the EDH format a little too nicely IMO. Already existing EDH staples (things that mana ramp, man-lands, the haste mechanic) break this card and that is the problem that I see. You really don't have to do much tweaking to your EDH deck to fit this guy in.

May 27, 2015 4:02 a.m.

The issue here is that you would need a ton of mana for that to be a viable win. I'm well aware of greens creature tutors I built a deck around it myself.

The thing here you must remember is that this ability requires:A) 8 power on board which we established earlier is just a 6/6 plus shaman B) 11 mana to biorhythm

The second ability's high cost and high condition make it less of a viable win con than actual biorhythm.

Another point made earlier in the post is that so long as you have 8 mana after a wrath you essentially win. Biorhythm and Ornithopter win the game that turn. Shaman requires restabilization of your board which could take a full cycle (assuming you have 11 mana on board both shaman and a 6/6 in hand post wraith) even with the existence of things like Chord of Calling this is the absolute quickest way and most efficient way this win con could happen Now that you had that hand played both you are saying to the table I win next turn deal with it. This can happen in one of two ways. 1) drop their own creatures which prevents insta kill and 2) kill/bounce either creature.

Honestly if a table full of players allows this to sit on the table and not deal with it they deserve to lose to it for the rest of their lives.

Yes tutors are powerful things in the colors that have shaman. But shaman tends to be hated off the board real quick based on the ramp value he possesses (there is a very recent thread in the edh forum discussing the viability of shaman in edh which shows the many ways in which shaman is dealed with and where he shines for people in either of his abilities)

One final mention in this monster of a post. The op was based sheerly on the hype that arose with the spoiler of the card. Having a few months of play with the card leaves no doubt in my mind that this card is quite fair and balanced. I believe cards such as Tooth and Nail provide more of an instant win and are more likely to get the ban hammer than shaman

May 27, 2015 5:59 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #5

Fade, that was a very good post.

It can be a strong card, and can win you the game. The reason it is not banned is because it is dependent on multiple other factors to work.

Quick comparison to biorhythm. Creature has summoning sickness, costs 3 more, and requires 8 power to work. I know these are easily met, but they are 3 restrictions that the original spell did not have.

May 27, 2015 9:42 a.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #6

I think it's not banworthy, because you have to jump through more hoops to trigger it than having 8+ mana to cast Biorhythm and 1 creature.

May 30, 2015 11:18 a.m.

zandl says... #7

It won't get banned. Biorhythm was banned because you can cast it on turn-3 and shit all over the game, whereas Shaman of Forgotten Ways needs a fair deal of support. Also, it needs to have haste or you become threat #1.

June 1, 2015 1:41 a.m.

chunkylight says... #8

I run this in my Kruphix EDH deck. I like to combo it with cyclonic rift. It's usually a turn 10 or 11 win for me.

August 19, 2015 6:53 a.m.

jprest2478 says... #9

August 19, 2015 12:39 p.m.

Derpachus says... #10

chunkylight please don't bring back old posts.

August 19, 2015 4:48 p.m.

This discussion has been closed