Saskia's War Council

Commander / EDH* LofCofP


Pre-Dominaria adjustments —April 20, 2018

Made a few adjustments prior to the new release (hoping to make a few additions to this happy council of war). Master of Cruelties, Titan Forge, Mage Slayer, and Plaguemaw Beast got the trade for Contagion Engine, Chandra, Flamecaller, Chandra, Pyromaster, and Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh  Flip. Master and Titan were placeholder spots with high hopes for fun use that fell slightly short. The deck wasn't overtly a good fitment for them. Plaguemaw getting replaced with a slightly more efficient proliferate card in Contagion. Mage Slayer kind of worked with Saskia's ability, but the few times it did get used it didn't push quite enough through. If the deck revolved around Saskia a bit more I would have a hard time swapping this card. While these aren't the most efficient version of Chandra, I think they'll do fine for the time being.