
Commander / EDH Zurrge


Total Revamp! thanks MarlFox —April 6, 2017

I played 8 games over this last weekend and was able to get a better feel for what the deck was missing. That being said, my "few cards to add to the deck" pile grew to well over 100 cards as it sits now. Going to be filtering through and posting up an updated deck list later this evening, hopefully.

Thank you very much for your response MarlFox. Really got the wheels turning..

MarlFox says... #1

So is this supposed to be a casual deck? a 75% deck or competitive? We will need to know that before we can rly give you good advice on the build.

with that in mind I would say the first step should be for you to get rid of all your tapped lands and replace them with good or at least not awful dual lands and basics Transguild Promenade is a bad card. if a land comes into play tapped it had better have a good upside or at least give you access to all your colors without a cost.On the topic of lands looking at the pie chart on the right it seems like you do not have the correct mana sources to match your needs. That is something you will have to play around with to get figured out as what total of each mana type you need depends on your final deck list mana costs.

As for having a high mana curve that is ok. IF you have enough mana rocks and dorks to support it. I would recommend cutting down on your high costed cards and ramping up your ramp spells and effects.

depending on your budget here is a small list of good mana dorks.

Birds of Paradise

Boreal Druid

Elves of Deep Shadow

Elvish Mystic

Fyndhorn Elves

Llanowar Elves

some not so awesome mana dorks but better then bad ones.

Quirion Elves

Bloom Tender

Sylvan Caryatid

Utopia Tree

Also Just glancing at your list it seems as tho you are going for a token build. If that is true are you wanting to go for the make tokens ---> sack tokens for value route or the make tokens ---> turn right route? If not then what is your ultimate goal of this deck?

April 5, 2017 3:33 a.m.