Kiora's Big Guys

Modern Pan163


MNM! —July 11, 2016

After really taking my week off on July 4th, I've come back for another successful week, this time with all my Sylvan Advocates and World Breakers. At last, a week with my complete deck!

I ended up going 2-0-1 (intentional draw). I did lose the two games we played for fun afterwards, but both losses were due more to abysmal luck than any misplays on my part.

Match 1: vs. Red Eldrazi (2-1). First game ended after a long stall, with a Shaman of Forgotten Ways biorhythm followed up by a swing from Sphinx of the Final Word. Game two, I lost to a turn-three Thought-Knot Seer and a subsequent mana-flood. Game three was dominated by World Breakers, one of them taking out a land and a second one taking out a Hangarback Walker.

Match 2: vs. Mono-Blue Control (2-1). The first game was quite close - two copies of Prism Ring on his side kept him alive for a long time, but eventually I was able to get in a few big swings with a World Breaker and an activated Sylvan Advocate + Lumbering Falls. Game two took longer, with an eventual win for him. Game three had a turn four Sphinx of the Final Word followed up by a turn five Altered Ego for four, copying the Sphinx. That was the end of that.

Match 3: vs. Red/Black Vampires (Intentional Draw).

I think this may be the last time I use this deck in a Standard event - I'm interested in trying out Mono-Red Eldrazi and potentially Mono-Blue Ramp. But it had a good run! I'm very proud of it.

NinjaGunung says... #1

Nice deck. will give it a try

July 2, 2016 2:14 p.m.