Kaalia's Treasure Trove

Commander / EDH* lhetrick13


Playtesting Feedback - LGS —March 24, 2023

General thoughts so far...

I have been piloting this deck at my LGS with mixed results. Kaalia of the Vast is ridiculously powerful in being able to cheat out some big creatures early; however, at only 2/2 without any built in protection, she is a prime target for removal and without her ability to cheat out dragons, the deck is very slow. Thus, Lightning Greaves and similar cards have been added to provide Haste and a form of Hexproof.Whispersilk Cloak was also added for similar reasons as Flying is not to uncommon and allowing Kaalia to swing every turn is wonderful.

The amount of treasure produced has also been inconsistent. Some games I struggle to get any treasure produced but then others, treasure just explodes onto the scene. This inconsistency may be due to many of the great treasure producing cards are rather expensive and I still need to acquire such as Dockside Extortionist; however, this will be something to watch as Kaalia allows for demons, angels, and dragons and I wanted to go hard on dragons for the Treasure Token synergy but if that seems to be just mediocre, I will likely drop the dragon/treasure focus and lean in more on the angels and demons as those have many excellent cards as well.

The deck does have may ways to keep cards in hand which helps me find something to make a play be it another dragon to cheat out or some other powerful card like Firery Emancipation, which I am discovering is super powerful, especially with cards like Reckless Fireweaver and the generation of a couple treasure tokens. I still would like to add additional ways to tutor though as most games I just feel like with the exception of Kaalia vomiting strong dragons out on the field, the deck lacks the ability to really hit a stride and knock out opponents with wincons other than brute force.

There are still some cards I want to pick up to try out but this deck seems very powerful if it hits a stride. Adding more creatures to cheat out will likely improve performance. Adding more ways to create additional combat phases might also be ideal as I only have two of those in the deck currently. I might be able to make some room for these cards as so far I have been very unimpressed with Blood Moon and Infernal Night's performance. Winter Orb/Contamination might be better at locking out opponents than these cards but so far these have never made much of an impact when played.

lhetrick13 says... #1

Epicurus - Thanks for the liking the "concept" of the deck...Lots of stuff to procure and lots of ideas to mull over to actually put this into something that is viable. If you have any suggestions for additional stuff to ponder over, I am all ears!

February 11, 2023 4:34 p.m.