Boros Aggro

Standard* qulqu


More creatures for consistency —June 10, 2019


2x Gird for Battle it is a dead card in too many situations and isn't a cantrip which means it cannot be used to dig for more play action.

2x Sheltering Light same issues as Gird for Battle in many cases, but is very useful for protecting Feather, the Redeemed still.

4x Shock it was unable to kill many threats.

2x Light Up the Stage because if I have no creatures out and I have removed Shock it is often going to have to be hard cast to get more action and it is just better to have more play maker than running a card that often costs 3 to enable plays.


4x Swiftblade Vindicator is an excellent target for buff and mentor triggers.

2x Legion Warboss provides 3/3 stats the turn it comes down and draws out answers while leaving some tokens behind.

2x Reckless Rage More effective removal for bigger threats and is recurrable through Feather, the Redeemed and card:Dreadhoarde Arcanist for amazing board advantage.

3x Boros Challenger is a creature with solid stats at 2 mana and can mentor up the Dreadhorde Arcanist and Swiftblade Vindicator

Sideboard has been changed to hopefully deal more directly with aggro and control decks depending on the matchup.